15.09.2015 12:18, David Rowley:
On 12 September 2015 at 00:45, Anastasia Lubennikova <a.lubennik...@postgrespro.ru <mailto:a.lubennik...@postgrespro.ru>> wrote:

    I've started work on a patch that allows to combine covering and
    unique functionality.

Great to hear someone is working on this!

Thank you! It looks like very interesting project to me)

    Next issue is pg_index changes.
    Now there's only a boolean flag

      * bool indisunique; /* is this a unique index? */

    But new algorithm requires to store a single number

      * unit16n_unique_columns; /* number of first columns of index
        which has unique constrains. */

    I think, that numbers of all attributes themselves are not needed.
    Is it right?

I think the total number of attributes is already in indnatts.
I imagine you're planning to keep the indexed columns at the start of the indkey[] array, and just use n_unique_columns to mark how many of the indkey[] attributes to check as indexed columns. I'd imagine the change would be fairly simple from a planner point of view as you'd just need to check columns 1 to n_unique_columns instead of 1 to indnatts. Although I have a tendency to under estimate these things :(

I've asked that for the same reason. I'm not too deep in access method and btree code, so I don't want to miss any hidden dependencies. As I see it, changes are required in _bt_isequal() <http://doxygen.postgresql.org/nbtinsert_8c.html#abcfb7a3dcd40a5d1759652239f3a0115>. Instead of

for (i = 1; i <= keysz; i++) {} // where /keysz/ is actually /natts//= rel->rd_rel->relnatts; /Look at _bt_check_uinque <http://doxygen.postgresql.org/nbtinsert_8c.html#a96eb8c53ffdf53f139b037194a9721a3> and pg_class <http://doxygen.postgresql.org/pg__class_8h.html#ac8bf924d36feee5f3ca4c36aa01c75ec> for more info.

cycle should be
for (i = 1; i <= nuinique; i++) {} // where /nunique /is value of /rel->rd_index->//indnuinque

//indnuinque /is a new field, which I suggest to add to pg_index <http://doxygen.postgresql.org/pg__index_8h.html#a5065be0408f03576083a30c97b43a09a> instead of /indisunique/ (or may be in addition to it).

But I'm doubt about the problem which Jim has mentioned.

>Are we certain that no index type could ever support an index on (f1, f2, f3) UNIQUE(f1, f3)? Even if it >doesn't make sense for btree, perhaps some other index could handle it.

If it's really so, we certainly have to keep in pg_index <http://doxygen.postgresql.org/pg__index_8h.html#a5065be0408f03576083a30c97b43a09a> not just number of unique columns (/indnunique/), but their numbers themselves (an array /indnuniqueatts/ on the model of /indnatts/).

I imagine you don't want to name the new column n_unique_columns, since it does not fit too well with non-unique indexes.

Hm, I think that it would be quite clear to set it to zero for non-unique indexes.
/(nunique == 0)/ is equal to /(indisunique==false)/.

But maybe I've missed some reason why we should to save /indisunique/ flag.

Perhaps just indindexedatts, or something slightly along those lines. But perhaps it would be a good idea to also rename "ncolumns" in code, to ensure that any non-updated code does not even compile. Perhaps including "tot" or "total" in there might help indicate it's new meaning.
I hope, that all these changes are not needed. Just continue to use /ncolumns/ for all indexed columns. And new variable /nuinique/ (or something like that) is for number of unique columns in the index.

Anastasia Lubennikova
Postgres Professional: http://www.postgrespro.com
The Russian Postgres Company

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