On 09/28/2015 07:18 PM, Stephen Frost wrote:

debbugs is being used by Debian, and has been since before our first
release (I believe- according to wikipedia, it started in 1994..).
Further, it's now being used by the GNU project for things as important
(well, to some ;) as Emacs.

I think if your level of expectation is set by Debian and Emacs, you are looking in the wrong direction.

It also requires a minimum of customization to integrate with our
existing workflow.

Prove it (Not being antagonistic)

That's good enough for us to at least test it out, in my view.

I've run both Redmine (ugh) and RT (it's good, but I don't feel it's
quite as good as debbugs, for us).

My experience is with RT and Redmine, Redmine works, out of the box. RT.... Had some issues with but could see where it would work.

Further, to your specific point, neither of those have the kind of FOSS
community backing that debbugs has.

I disagree entirely. I have multiple customers that run Redmine or RT. I have exactly zero that run debbugs.

keep RT going if they go south.  Redmine seems a bit better in that
regard, but it's painful to maintain and is only 9 years old, while
debbugs is old enough to drink in the US at this point.

So is Windows.


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