On 09/29/2015 07:25 AM, Merlin Moncure wrote:
On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Kam Lasater <c...@seekayel.com> wrote:

Last night I heard that Postgres had no issue/bug tracker. At first I
thought the guy was trolling me. Seriously, how could this be. Certainly a
mature open source project that is the database for a measurable percentage
of the internet would have an issue tracker.

Sadly, I was not being trolled. I'm new around here so I will keep the
preaching to a minimum and cut right to the chase...

___It is time for an issue tracker___

This thread is depressing me.  We use all these fancy tools at $work
and I'm not sure they are much of an improvement over informal
processes run by capable people.   I regularly advocate, pretty much
to the wind, to use JIRA less and email *more*.   The main benefit of
the system, various reports to corporate taskmasters, seems pretty
much irrelevant here.  If you're advocating introduction of new
tooling with all the associated processes and complexities, can you
point to specific breakdowns in the project and exactly how said
tooling would have helped the situation?

From my perspective this is about more than bugs it is about development as a whole. Here is a very simple problem we have:

I come to hackers to discuss an idea
idea gets sign off
I submit a patch
*I am told to go over to this commitfest app thing and upload it there*

Why? That's stupid. I should have submitted the patch to hackers and it should have been automatically part of my existing thread.

Someone reviews the patch, decides it needs to be pushed to the next commitfest

In theory, at some point I will be informed of that or I will see that it was pushed to the next commitfest.

If we were running a properly integrated tracker, I would know that instantly because the issue would have been updated to the affect and marked for the next commitfest.

The next commitfest comes around, and I can't get to the patch changes in time so it gets pushed to the next release. With a properly integrated issue tracker, I would immediately see that, be able to comment on it and be able to see the entire history of the patch.

Oh... and this can be done all from email as long as the tracker is properly integrated.

Bugs can certainly be handled the same way and in some ways better.


P.S. I am not complaining about the commitfest process, I am making remarks about the tools we are using to manage it.


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Announcing "I'm offended" is basically telling the world you can't
control your own emotions, so everyone else should do it for you.

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