Christopher Browne <> writes:
> It may very well be *worse* than that; it seems quite likely to me that if
> an issue tracker is not being continually curated by substantially ALL of
> its users, then you don't get any of those things.  That *is* a lot more
> pessimistic, and considerably likely, as it's pretty certain that members
> of our email-loving community will decline to get involved in curating
> data in some web app.

I think this is really the issue that's being studiously ignored by a
number of participants in this thread.  Simply installing a tracker
accomplishes diddly-squat.  Getting to a point where the information in
the tracker is actually valid, well-organized, etc. will require a LARGE
amount of real work, both up-front and on a continuing basis, and I do not
see where that effort is going to come from.  Anybody who thinks it's just
going to happen is living in a dream world.  Anybody who thinks they can
tell other people to do it, and then it will happen, is living in an
entire fantasy universe (unless, perhaps, they are paying said people to
do what they want).

I'd be feeling a lot more positive about this whole thread if any people
had stepped up and said "yes, *I* will put in a lot of grunt-work to make
something happen here".  The lack of any volunteers suggests strongly
that this thread is a waste of time, just as the several similar ones
before it have been.

                        regards, tom lane

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