On October 4, 2015 2:50:10 PM GMT+02:00, Shay Rojansky <r...@roji.org> wrote:
>> > Npgsql supports sending multiple SQL statements in a single packet
>> the extended protocol. This works fine, but when the second query
>> value modified by the first's UPDATE, I'm getting a result as if the
>> > UPDATE hasn't yet occurred.
>> Looks like the first updating statement is not committed, assuming
>> the two statements run in different transactions.
>I did try to prefix the message chain with an explicit transaction
>(with the several different isolation levels) without a difference in
>> The exact messages send by Npgsql are:
>> >
>> > Parse (UPDATE data SET name='foo' WHERE id=1), statement=unnamed
>> > Describe (statement=unnamed)
>> > Bind (statement=unnamed, portal=MQ0)
>> > Parse (SELECT * FROM data WHERE id=1), statement=unnamed
>> > Describe (statement=unnamed)
>> > Bind (statement=unnamed, portal=MQ1)
>> > Execute (portal=MQ0)
>> > Close (portal=MQ0)
>> > Execute (portal=MQ1)
>> > Close (portal=MQ1)
>> > Sync
>> I never used Npgsql so I don't know if there is something missing
>> Would you need an explicit commit before closing MQ0?
>I guess this is exactly my question to PostgreSQL... But unless I'm
>misunderstanding the transaction semantics I shouldn't need to commit
>first UPDATE in order to see its effect in the second SELECT...

Try adding a sync before the second execute.


Please excuse brevity and formatting - I am writing this on my mobile phone.

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