
* Zhaomo Yang (zmp...@gmail.com) wrote:
> I just tried a little bit your patch for applying SELECT policies to
> DELETE/UPDATE. It is consistent with the GRANT system so it looks
> really good. I'll test it more thoroughly later.

Great!  Glad to hear it.

> Also, I guess we don't need to worry about the syntax of "restrictive
> policies" you mentioned in the upthread since SELECT policies are
> essentially restrictive now.

They are when it comes to applying them on top of other policies to
match the permissions system, but what I believe we'd like is the
ability to *explicitly* make policies both restrictive and permissive.
That would allow a user to create a set of permissive SELECT policies
and than a set of restrictive SELECT policies, which might be much
simpler to manage for their particular use-case.

> Since that work has already been done,
> I'm wondering if I can take the task of allowing policies to reference
> both the 'old' and 'new' versions of the row. I understand that this
> feature won't be considered for 9.5 but I'd like to implement it and
> hopefully get it incorporated into 9.6.

I'd love to see a patch for that for 9.6.  Feel free to work on it and
ping me with any questions you have.  Once you have a patch, please make
sure to add it to the appropriate commitfest (via
http://commitfest.postgresql.org), so it won't be lost.



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