On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 8:36 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
> 1. I'm not the only one doing it - i.e. at least 3 or 4
> moderately-frequent committers are all doing it consistently and all
> using the same format.  If Tom buys into it, that's a big plus.
> 2. Adding the necessary metadata to a commit can be reasonably
> expected to take no more than 2 minutes in typical cases (preferably
> less).
> 3. Adding the metadata doesn't cause lines > 70 characters.  I am not
> a fan of the "Discussion: Message-ID-Here" format which some
> committers have begun using, sometimes with just the message ID and
> sometimes with the full URL, because anything which causes horizontal
> scrolling makes me sad.

Adding the discussion related to the commit directly in the log
history is really a bit plus IMO even if this breaks the rule of
you-shall-not-write-more-than-72-characters-per-line (gmail ones are
close to this limit), this allows to gain a lot of time when looking
for a particular discussion without having to go through the archives
by looking for example for the author report or a bug number, those
fields being rather helpful in general:
Discussion: Message-ID
Reviewed by: Jane Doe
Author: John Doe
[Bug Number: #XXX]

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