On Mon, 6 Jan 2003, Scott Lamb wrote:

> Marc G. Fournier wrote:
> > I'm just announcing here, since I'd like to see some ppl testing this out
> > and let us know if there are any problems ... DNS is going to take a
> > little while to propogate, so the old site may still come up in the
> > interium ... another reason not to announce it right away :)
> My hope was that this would be all the information in a single,
> integrated site. What I see now is one (nice) front page with links to
> all the other sites, which don't even have links back, much less the
> same look and feel. Are you intending to switch those eventually?
> (Please say yes.)

Yes, the first phase was to get the front-end fixed ... one of Vince's
major complaints concerning the old one was that it was near impossible to
make changes to it (ie. add menu links) ...

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