
We cannot to declare variable with referenced type on other composite
variable. This limit is probably artificial, because any composite type is
any type too in PostgreSQL.

The issue:

referencing on composite variables doesn't work

do $$ declare x int; y x%type; begin end; $$; -- ok
do $$ declare x pg_class; y x%type; begin end; $$; -- invalid type name
do $$ declare x pg_class; y x%rowtype; begin end; $$; -- relation "x" does
not exist

The %ROWTYPE needs a record in pg_class. Probably we should not to change
it. The change can bring a compatibility issues. So there are two

1. %TYPE can be used for any kind of variables. This behave will be
consistent with polymorphic parameters - we have "anyelement", and we have
not "anyrow".

2. introduce new keyword - %RECTYPE .. it can work, but there will be gap
between polymorphic parameters.

Comments, notices?



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