On 2015-11-16 08:24, Michael Paquier wrote:
On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 2:49 AM, Marko Tiikkaja <ma...@joh.to> wrote:
Attached is a patch for being able to do $SUBJECT without a CTE.  The
reasons this is better than a CTE version are:

   1) It's not obvious why a CTE version works but a plain one doesn't
   2) This one has less overhead (I measured a ~12% improvement on a
not-too-unreasonable test case)

Would you mind sharing this test case as well as numbers?

Attached the test case I used; removing a batch of old rows from a table through an index. Best out of three runs, I get 13.1 seconds versus 15.0 seconds, which should amount to an improvement of around 12.7%.

Also attached a v3 of the patch which adds an Assert on top of the test case changes suggested by you.

drop table if exists tbl;
create table tbl(a serial, b int not null, c text not null);
insert into tbl (b,c) select i, random()::text from generate_series(1, 
100000000) i;
alter table tbl add primary key (a);
analyze tbl;

-- new code
--\copy (delete from tbl where a <= 5000000 returning *) to foo.dat

-- old code
--SET work_mem TO '1GB';
--\copy (with t as (delete from tbl where a <= 5000000 returning *) select * 
from t) to foo.dat
*** a/doc/src/sgml/ref/copy.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/ref/copy.sgml
*** 112,121 **** COPY { <replaceable class="parameter">table_name</replaceable> [ ( <replaceable
      <term><replaceable class="parameter">query</replaceable></term>
!       A <xref linkend="sql-select"> or
!       <xref linkend="sql-values"> command
!       whose results are to be copied.
!       Note that parentheses are required around the query.
--- 112,128 ----
      <term><replaceable class="parameter">query</replaceable></term>
!       A <xref linkend="sql-select">, <xref linkend="sql-values">,
!       <xref linkend="sql-insert">, <xref linkend="sql-update"> or
!       <xref linkend="sql-delete"> command whose results are to be
!       copied.  Note that parentheses are required around the query.
!      </para>
!      <para>
!       For <command>INSERT</>, <command>UPDATE</> and
!       <command>DELETE</> queries a RETURNING clause must be provided,
!       and the target relation must not have a conditional rule, nor
!       an <literal>ALSO</> rule, nor an <literal>INSTEAD</> rule
!       that expands to multiple statements.
*** a/src/backend/commands/copy.c
--- b/src/backend/commands/copy.c
*** 201,207 **** typedef struct CopyStateData
  	int			raw_buf_len;	/* total # of bytes stored */
  } CopyStateData;
! /* DestReceiver for COPY (SELECT) TO */
  typedef struct
  	DestReceiver pub;			/* publicly-known function pointers */
--- 201,207 ----
  	int			raw_buf_len;	/* total # of bytes stored */
  } CopyStateData;
! /* DestReceiver for COPY (query) TO */
  typedef struct
  	DestReceiver pub;			/* publicly-known function pointers */
*** 772,778 **** CopyLoadRawBuf(CopyState cstate)
   * Either unload or reload contents of table <relation>, depending on <from>.
   * (<from> = TRUE means we are inserting into the table.)  In the "TO" case
!  * we also support copying the output of an arbitrary SELECT query.
   * If <pipe> is false, transfer is between the table and the file named
   * <filename>.  Otherwise, transfer is between the table and our regular
--- 772,779 ----
   * Either unload or reload contents of table <relation>, depending on <from>.
   * (<from> = TRUE means we are inserting into the table.)  In the "TO" case
!  * we also support copying the output of an arbitrary SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE
!  * or DELETE query.
   * If <pipe> is false, transfer is between the table and the file named
   * <filename>.  Otherwise, transfer is between the table and our regular
*** 1374,1384 **** BeginCopy(bool is_from,
  		cstate->rel = NULL;
! 		/* Don't allow COPY w/ OIDs from a select */
  		if (cstate->oids)
! 					 errmsg("COPY (SELECT) WITH OIDS is not supported")));
  		 * Run parse analysis and rewrite.  Note this also acquires sufficient
--- 1375,1385 ----
  		cstate->rel = NULL;
! 		/* Don't allow COPY w/ OIDs from a query */
  		if (cstate->oids)
! 					 errmsg("COPY (query) WITH OIDS is not supported")));
  		 * Run parse analysis and rewrite.  Note this also acquires sufficient
*** 1393,1401 **** BeginCopy(bool is_from,
  		rewritten = pg_analyze_and_rewrite((Node *) copyObject(raw_query),
  										   queryString, NULL, 0);
! 		/* We don't expect more or less than one result query */
! 		if (list_length(rewritten) != 1)
! 			elog(ERROR, "unexpected rewrite result");
  		query = (Query *) linitial(rewritten);
--- 1394,1429 ----
  		rewritten = pg_analyze_and_rewrite((Node *) copyObject(raw_query),
  										   queryString, NULL, 0);
! 		/* check that we got back something we can work with */
! 		if (rewritten == NIL)
! 		{
! 			ereport(ERROR,
! 					errmsg("DO INSTEAD NOTHING rules are not supported for COPY")));
! 		}
! 		else if (list_length(rewritten) > 1)
! 		{
! 			ListCell *lc;
! 			/* examine queries to determine which error message to issue */
! 			foreach(lc, rewritten)
! 			{
! 				Query	  *q = (Query *) lfirst(lc);
! 				if (q->querySource == QSRC_QUAL_INSTEAD_RULE)
! 					ereport(ERROR,
! 							 errmsg("conditional DO INSTEAD rules are not supported for COPY")));
! 				if (q->querySource == QSRC_NON_INSTEAD_RULE)
! 					ereport(ERROR,
! 							 errmsg("DO ALSO rules are not supported for the COPY")));
! 			}
! 			ereport(ERROR,
! 					 errmsg("multi-statement DO INSTEAD rules are not supported for COPY")));
! 		}
  		query = (Query *) linitial(rewritten);
*** 1406,1414 **** BeginCopy(bool is_from,
  					 errmsg("COPY (SELECT INTO) is not supported")));
- 		Assert(query->commandType == CMD_SELECT);
  		Assert(query->utilityStmt == NULL);
  		/* plan the query */
  		plan = pg_plan_query(query, 0, NULL);
--- 1434,1457 ----
  					 errmsg("COPY (SELECT INTO) is not supported")));
  		Assert(query->utilityStmt == NULL);
+ 		/*
+ 		 * Similarly the grammar doesn't enforce he presence of a RETURNING
+ 		 * clause, but we require it.
+ 		 */
+ 		if (query->commandType != CMD_SELECT)
+ 		{
+ 			Assert(query->commandType == CMD_INSERT ||
+ 				   query->commandType == CMD_UPDATE ||
+ 				   query->commandType == CMD_DELETE);
+ 			if (query->returningList == NIL)
+ 				ereport(ERROR,
+ 							 errmsg("COPY query must have a RETURNING clause")));
+ 		}
  		/* plan the query */
  		plan = pg_plan_query(query, 0, NULL);
*** a/src/backend/parser/gram.y
--- b/src/backend/parser/gram.y
*** 2561,2569 **** ClosePortalStmt:
   *		QUERY :
   *				COPY relname [(columnList)] FROM/TO file [WITH] [(options)]
!  *				COPY ( SELECT ... ) TO file	[WITH] [(options)]
!  *				where 'file' can be one of:
   *				{ PROGRAM 'command' | STDIN | STDOUT | 'filename' }
   *				In the preferred syntax the options are comma-separated
--- 2561,2572 ----
   *		QUERY :
   *				COPY relname [(columnList)] FROM/TO file [WITH] [(options)]
!  *				COPY ( query ) TO file	[WITH] [(options)]
!  *				where 'query' is one of:
!  *				{ select | update | insert | delete }
!  *
!  *				and 'file' can be one of:
   *				{ PROGRAM 'command' | STDIN | STDOUT | 'filename' }
   *				In the preferred syntax the options are comma-separated
*** 2574,2580 **** ClosePortalStmt:
   *				COPY [ BINARY ] table [ WITH OIDS ] FROM/TO file
   *					[ [ USING ] DELIMITERS 'delimiter' ] ]
   *					[ WITH NULL AS 'null string' ]
!  *				This option placement is not supported with COPY (SELECT...).
--- 2577,2583 ----
   *				COPY [ BINARY ] table [ WITH OIDS ] FROM/TO file
   *					[ [ USING ] DELIMITERS 'delimiter' ] ]
   *					[ WITH NULL AS 'null string' ]
!  *				This option placement is not supported with COPY (query).
*** 2607,2622 **** CopyStmt:	COPY opt_binary qualified_name opt_column_list opt_oids
  						n->options = list_concat(n->options, $11);
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
! 			| COPY select_with_parens TO opt_program copy_file_name opt_with copy_options
  					CopyStmt *n = makeNode(CopyStmt);
  					n->relation = NULL;
! 					n->query = $2;
  					n->attlist = NIL;
  					n->is_from = false;
! 					n->is_program = $4;
! 					n->filename = $5;
! 					n->options = $7;
  					if (n->is_program && n->filename == NULL)
--- 2610,2625 ----
  						n->options = list_concat(n->options, $11);
  					$$ = (Node *)n;
! 			| COPY '(' PreparableStmt ')' TO opt_program copy_file_name opt_with copy_options
  					CopyStmt *n = makeNode(CopyStmt);
  					n->relation = NULL;
! 					n->query = $3;
  					n->attlist = NIL;
  					n->is_from = false;
! 					n->is_program = $6;
! 					n->filename = $7;
! 					n->options = $9;
  					if (n->is_program && n->filename == NULL)
*** a/src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h
--- b/src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h
*** 1680,1686 **** typedef struct CopyStmt
  	NodeTag		type;
  	RangeVar   *relation;		/* the relation to copy */
! 	Node	   *query;			/* the SELECT query to copy */
  	List	   *attlist;		/* List of column names (as Strings), or NIL
  								 * for all columns */
  	bool		is_from;		/* TO or FROM */
--- 1680,1686 ----
  	NodeTag		type;
  	RangeVar   *relation;		/* the relation to copy */
! 	Node	   *query;			/* the query (SELECT or I/U/D with RETURNING) to copy */
  	List	   *attlist;		/* List of column names (as Strings), or NIL
  								 * for all columns */
  	bool		is_from;		/* TO or FROM */
*** /dev/null
--- b/src/test/regress/expected/copydml.out
*** 0 ****
--- 1,112 ----
+ --
+ -- Test cases for COPY (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) TO
+ --
+ create table copydml_test (id serial, t text);
+ insert into copydml_test (t) values ('a');
+ insert into copydml_test (t) values ('b');
+ insert into copydml_test (t) values ('c');
+ insert into copydml_test (t) values ('d');
+ insert into copydml_test (t) values ('e');
+ --
+ -- Test COPY (insert/update/delete ...)
+ --
+ copy (insert into copydml_test (t) values ('f') returning id) to stdout;
+ 6
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'g' where t = 'f' returning id) to stdout;
+ 6
+ copy (delete from copydml_test where t = 'g' returning id) to stdout;
+ 6
+ --
+ -- Test \copy (insert/update/delete ...)
+ --
+ \copy (insert into copydml_test (t) values ('f') returning id) to stdout;
+ 7
+ \copy (update copydml_test set t = 'g' where t = 'f' returning id) to stdout;
+ 7
+ \copy (delete from copydml_test where t = 'g' returning id) to stdout;
+ 7
+ -- Error cases
+ copy (insert into copydml_test default values) to stdout;
+ ERROR:  COPY query must have a RETURNING clause
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'g') to stdout;
+ ERROR:  COPY query must have a RETURNING clause
+ copy (delete from copydml_test) to stdout;
+ ERROR:  COPY query must have a RETURNING clause
+ create rule qqq as on insert to copydml_test do instead nothing;
+ copy (insert into copydml_test default values) to stdout;
+ ERROR:  DO INSTEAD NOTHING rules are not supported for COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on insert to copydml_test do also delete from copydml_test;
+ copy (insert into copydml_test default values) to stdout;
+ ERROR:  DO ALSO rules are not supported for the COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on insert to copydml_test do instead (delete from copydml_test; delete from copydml_test);
+ copy (insert into copydml_test default values) to stdout;
+ ERROR:  multi-statement DO INSTEAD rules are not supported for COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on insert to copydml_test where new.t <> 'f' do instead delete from copydml_test;
+ copy (insert into copydml_test default values) to stdout;
+ ERROR:  conditional DO INSTEAD rules are not supported for COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on update to copydml_test do instead nothing;
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'f') to stdout;
+ ERROR:  DO INSTEAD NOTHING rules are not supported for COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on update to copydml_test do also delete from copydml_test;
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'f') to stdout;
+ ERROR:  DO ALSO rules are not supported for the COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on update to copydml_test do instead (delete from copydml_test; delete from copydml_test);
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'f') to stdout;
+ ERROR:  multi-statement DO INSTEAD rules are not supported for COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on update to copydml_test where new.t <> 'f' do instead delete from copydml_test;
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'f') to stdout;
+ ERROR:  conditional DO INSTEAD rules are not supported for COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on delete to copydml_test do instead nothing;
+ copy (delete from copydml_test) to stdout;
+ ERROR:  DO INSTEAD NOTHING rules are not supported for COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on delete to copydml_test do also insert into copydml_test default values;
+ copy (delete from copydml_test) to stdout;
+ ERROR:  DO ALSO rules are not supported for the COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on delete to copydml_test do instead (insert into copydml_test default values; insert into copydml_test default values);
+ copy (delete from copydml_test) to stdout;
+ ERROR:  multi-statement DO INSTEAD rules are not supported for COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on delete to copydml_test where old.t <> 'f' do instead insert into copydml_test default values;
+ copy (delete from copydml_test) to stdout;
+ ERROR:  conditional DO INSTEAD rules are not supported for COPY
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ -- triggers
+ create function qqq_trig() returns trigger as $$
+ begin
+ if tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE') then
+     raise notice '% %', tg_op, new.id;
+     return new;
+ else
+     raise notice '% %', tg_op, old.id;
+     return old;
+ end if;
+ end
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ create trigger qqqbef before insert or update or delete on copydml_test
+     for each row execute procedure qqq_trig();
+ create trigger qqqaf after insert or update or delete on copydml_test
+     for each row execute procedure qqq_trig();
+ copy (insert into copydml_test (t) values ('f') returning id) to stdout;
+ 8
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'g' where t = 'f' returning id) to stdout;
+ 8
+ copy (delete from copydml_test where t = 'g' returning id) to stdout;
+ 8
+ drop table copydml_test;
+ drop function qqq_trig();
*** a/src/test/regress/parallel_schedule
--- b/src/test/regress/parallel_schedule
*** 48,54 **** test: create_function_2
  # execute two copy tests parallel, to check that copy itself
  # is concurrent safe.
  # ----------
! test: copy copyselect
  # ----------
  # More groups of parallel tests
--- 48,54 ----
  # execute two copy tests parallel, to check that copy itself
  # is concurrent safe.
  # ----------
! test: copy copyselect copydml
  # ----------
  # More groups of parallel tests
*** a/src/test/regress/serial_schedule
--- b/src/test/regress/serial_schedule
*** 57,62 **** test: create_table
--- 57,63 ----
  test: create_function_2
  test: copy
  test: copyselect
+ test: copydml
  test: create_misc
  test: create_operator
  test: create_index
*** /dev/null
--- b/src/test/regress/sql/copydml.sql
*** 0 ****
--- 1,91 ----
+ --
+ -- Test cases for COPY (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE) TO
+ --
+ create table copydml_test (id serial, t text);
+ insert into copydml_test (t) values ('a');
+ insert into copydml_test (t) values ('b');
+ insert into copydml_test (t) values ('c');
+ insert into copydml_test (t) values ('d');
+ insert into copydml_test (t) values ('e');
+ --
+ -- Test COPY (insert/update/delete ...)
+ --
+ copy (insert into copydml_test (t) values ('f') returning id) to stdout;
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'g' where t = 'f' returning id) to stdout;
+ copy (delete from copydml_test where t = 'g' returning id) to stdout;
+ --
+ -- Test \copy (insert/update/delete ...)
+ --
+ \copy (insert into copydml_test (t) values ('f') returning id) to stdout;
+ \copy (update copydml_test set t = 'g' where t = 'f' returning id) to stdout;
+ \copy (delete from copydml_test where t = 'g' returning id) to stdout;
+ -- Error cases
+ copy (insert into copydml_test default values) to stdout;
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'g') to stdout;
+ copy (delete from copydml_test) to stdout;
+ create rule qqq as on insert to copydml_test do instead nothing;
+ copy (insert into copydml_test default values) to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on insert to copydml_test do also delete from copydml_test;
+ copy (insert into copydml_test default values) to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on insert to copydml_test do instead (delete from copydml_test; delete from copydml_test);
+ copy (insert into copydml_test default values) to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on insert to copydml_test where new.t <> 'f' do instead delete from copydml_test;
+ copy (insert into copydml_test default values) to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on update to copydml_test do instead nothing;
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'f') to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on update to copydml_test do also delete from copydml_test;
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'f') to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on update to copydml_test do instead (delete from copydml_test; delete from copydml_test);
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'f') to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on update to copydml_test where new.t <> 'f' do instead delete from copydml_test;
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'f') to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on delete to copydml_test do instead nothing;
+ copy (delete from copydml_test) to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on delete to copydml_test do also insert into copydml_test default values;
+ copy (delete from copydml_test) to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on delete to copydml_test do instead (insert into copydml_test default values; insert into copydml_test default values);
+ copy (delete from copydml_test) to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ create rule qqq as on delete to copydml_test where old.t <> 'f' do instead insert into copydml_test default values;
+ copy (delete from copydml_test) to stdout;
+ drop rule qqq on copydml_test;
+ -- triggers
+ create function qqq_trig() returns trigger as $$
+ begin
+ if tg_op in ('INSERT', 'UPDATE') then
+     raise notice '% %', tg_op, new.id;
+     return new;
+ else
+     raise notice '% %', tg_op, old.id;
+     return old;
+ end if;
+ end
+ $$ language plpgsql;
+ create trigger qqqbef before insert or update or delete on copydml_test
+     for each row execute procedure qqq_trig();
+ create trigger qqqaf after insert or update or delete on copydml_test
+     for each row execute procedure qqq_trig();
+ copy (insert into copydml_test (t) values ('f') returning id) to stdout;
+ copy (update copydml_test set t = 'g' where t = 'f' returning id) to stdout;
+ copy (delete from copydml_test where t = 'g' returning id) to stdout;
+ drop table copydml_test;
+ drop function qqq_trig();
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