
I've added new grammar rules to sqlsmith and improved some older ones.
This was rewarded with a return of "failed to generate plan" errors.
The failing queries all contain a lateral subquery.  The shortest of the
failing queries are below.  They were run against the regression db of
master as of db07236.


smith=# select msg, query from error where
   (firstline(msg) ~~ 'ERROR:  failed to build any%'
   or firstline(msg) ~~ 'ERROR:  could not devise a query plan%')
  and t > now() - interval '1 day' order by length(query) asc limit 3;

ERROR:  failed to build any 8-way joins
  ref_96.foreign_table_schema as c0,
  sample_87.is_supported as c1
  information_schema.sql_packages as sample_87 tablesample system (0.2)
    right join information_schema._pg_foreign_tables as ref_96
    on (sample_87.feature_id = ref_96.foreign_table_catalog ),
  lateral (select
        sample_87.is_verified_by as c0,
        ref_97.indexed_col as c1,
        coalesce(sample_87.feature_id, ref_96.foreign_server_name) as c2,
        4 as c3
        public.comment_test as ref_97
      where ref_97.id ~>~ ref_97.indexed_col
      fetch first 73 rows only) as subq_33
where ref_96.foreign_table_name ~~ subq_33.c1

ERROR:  could not devise a query plan for the given query
  subq_43.c0 as c0
          ref_181.installed as c0
          pg_catalog.pg_available_extension_versions as ref_181,
          lateral (select
                ref_181.name as c0,
                ref_181.installed as c1
                pg_catalog.pg_conversion as ref_182
              where ref_182.conname ~~* ref_181.version
              fetch first 98 rows only) as subq_42
        where (subq_42.c0 is not NULL)
          or (subq_42.c1 is NULL)) as subq_43
    right join pg_catalog.pg_language as sample_177 tablesample system (2.8)
    on (subq_43.c0 = sample_177.lanispl )
where sample_177.lanowner < sample_177.lanvalidator

ERROR:  failed to build any 5-way joins
  ref_239.id2 as c0,
  40 as c1,
  ref_239.id2 as c2,
  ref_238.aa as c3
  public.tt5 as sample_289 tablesample system (8.1)
        inner join information_schema.element_types as ref_237
        on (sample_289.x = ref_237.character_maximum_length )
      left join public.b as ref_238
      on (ref_237.character_maximum_length = ref_238.aa )
    left join public.num_exp_mul as ref_239
    on (ref_237.numeric_precision_radix = ref_239.id1 ),
  lateral (select
        sample_290.b as c0,
        sample_289.y as c1,
        ref_239.id2 as c2
        public.rtest_t8 as sample_290 tablesample bernoulli (4.6)
      where (sample_290.b > ref_238.bb)
        and (sample_289.y > ref_239.expected)
      fetch first 91 rows only) as subq_64
where (subq_64.c1 > sample_289.y)
  and (sample_289.y = ref_239.expected)
fetch first 133 rows only

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