On 7 December 2015 at 01:39, Konstantin Knizhnik <k.knizh...@postgrespro.ru>

> I have integrated pglogical_output in multimaster


I just pushed a change to pglogical_output that exposes the row contents
(and the rest of the reorder change buffer contents) to hooks that want it,
by the way.

> using bdr_apply from BDR as template for implementation of receiver part.

Yep, that'll tide you over. We're working hard on getting the downstream
part ready and you'll find it more flexible.

> The time of insert is reduced almost 10 times comparing with logical
> replication based on decoder_raw/receiver_raw plugins which performs
> logical replication using SQL statements. But unfortunately time of updates
> is almost not changed.

That's not too surprising, given that you'll have significant overheads for
checking if keys are present when doing updates.

This field is assigned by  pglogical_init_api() function. And I can extend
> this PGLogicalProtoAPI structure by adding some protocol specific fields.

Yep, that's the idea.

> typedef struct PGLogicalProtoMM
> {
>     PGLogicalProtoAPI api;
>     bool isLocal; /* mark transaction as local */
> } PGLogicalProtoMM;

I'm curious about what you're using the 'isLocal' field for.

For MM you should only need to examine the replication origin assigned to
the transaction to determine whether you're going to forward it or not.

Were you not able to achieve what you wanted with a hook? If not, then we
might need another hook. Could you explain what it's for in more detail?

What I suggest is: have your downstream client install a pglogical_output
hook for the transaction filter hook. There, examine the replication origin
passed to the hook. If you want to forward locally originated xacts only
(such as for mesh multimaster) you can just filter out everything where the
origin is not InvalidRepOriginId. There are example hooks in
contrib/pglogical_output_plhooks .

There'll be a simple MM example using filter hooks in the pglogical
downstream btw and we're working hard to get that out.

> But I have to add "PGLogicalOutputData *data"  parameter to
> pglogical_write_rel_fn function.
> Do you think that it will be better to pass this parameter to all
> functions?

Yes, I agree that it should be passed to the API for the output protocol.
It's pretty harmless. Please feel free to send a pull req.

Note that we haven't made that pluggable from the outside though; there's
no way to load a new protocol distributed separately from pglogical_output.
The idea is really to make sure that between the binary protocol and json
protocol we meet the reasonably expected set of use cases and don't need
pluggable protocols. Perhaps that's over-optimistic, but we've already got
and output plugin that has plug-in hooks, a plugin for a plugin. Do we need
another? Also, if we allow dynamic loading of new protocols then that means
we'll have a much harder time changing the protocol implementation API
later, so it's not something I'm keen to do. Also, to make it secure to
allow users to specify the protocol we'd have to make protocols implement
an extension with a C function in pg_proc to return its API struct, like we
do for hooks. So there'd be more hoop-jumping required to figure out how to
talk to the client.

If possible I'd like to find any oversights and omissions in the current
protocol and its APIs to meet future use cases without having to introduce
protocol plugins for an output plugin.

May be it is not intended way of passing custom data to this functions...

Yeah, we weren't really thinking of the protocol API as intended to be
pluggable and extensible. If you define new protocols you have to change
the rest of the output plugin code anyway.

Lets look at what protocol changes are needed to address your use case and
see whether it's necessary to take the step of making the protocol fully
pluggable or not.

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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