On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 10:44 AM, Stas Kelvich <s.kelv...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
> Hello.
> While working with cluster stuff (DTM, tsDTM) we noted that postgres 2pc 
> transactions is approximately two times slower than an ordinary commit on 
> workload with fast transactions — few single-row updates and COMMIT or 
> PREPARE/COMMIT. Perf top showed that a lot of time is spent in kernel on 
> fopen/fclose, so it worth a try to reduce file operations with 2pc tx.

I've tested this through my testing harness which forces the database
to go through endless runs of crash recovery and checks for
consistency, and so far it has survived perfectly.


> Now results of benchmark are following (dual 6-core xeon server):
> Current master without 2PC: ~42 ktps
> Current master with 2PC: ~22 ktps
> Current master with 2PC: ~36 ktps

Can you give the full command line?  -j, -c, etc.

> Benchmark done with following script:
> \set naccounts 100000 * :scale
> \setrandom from_aid 1 :naccounts
> \setrandom to_aid 1 :naccounts
> \setrandom delta 1 100
> \set scale :scale+1

Why are you incrementing :scale ?

I very rapidly reach a point where most of the updates are against
tuples that don't exist, and then get integer overflow problems.

> UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance - :delta WHERE aid = 
> :from_aid;
> UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :to_aid;
> PREPARE TRANSACTION ':client_id.:scale';
> COMMIT PREPARED ':client_id.:scale';



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