Robert Haas <> writes:
> I don't know, I'm still not very comfortable with this.  And Tom
> didn't like dictating that hash_any() must be no-fail, though I'm not
> sure why.

What I definitely didn't like was assuming at a distance that it would
be no-fail.  If we're to depend on that, the patch had better attach
a comment saying so to the header comments of the function(s) it's
assuming that about.  Otherwise, somebody could hack up hashfunc.c
in a way that breaks the assumption, without any clue that some code
in a very-far-away module is critically reliant on it.

> Let's wait to see what others think.

A few observations:

* This bit is too cute by half, if not three-quarters:

+       uint32          itemsizelg:2;   /* sizeof one item log 2 */
+       uint32          capacity:30;    /* capacity of array */

Is there a good reason to assume that the only things we'll ever store
in these arrays are of size no more than 8 bytes?  Are we so desperate
to save space that we cannot spare two separate words for itemsize and
capacity?  (ISTM it's a good bet that the extra code for accessing these
bitfields occupies more space than would be saved, considering how few
ResourceOwners typically exist at one time.)  Let's just make it a couple
of ints and be done.  Actually, maybe nitems and capacity should be
size_t, just in case.

* An alternative design would be to forget itemsizelg altogether and insist
that everything stored in the resource arrays be a Datum, which could then
be coerced to/from some form of integer or some form of pointer as
appropriate.  That would waste some space in the int case, but it would
considerably simplify both the ResourceArray code and the APIs to it,
which might be worth the price of assuming we'll never store anything
bigger than 8 bytes.  It also would make this look more like some
existing APIs such as the on_exit callbacks.

* A lot of the code churn comes from the insistence on defining callbacks,
which I'm dubious that we need.  We could instead have a function that is
"get any convenient one of the array elements" and revise the loops in
ResourceOwnerReleaseInternal to be like

        while ((item = getconvenientitem(resourcearray)))
                drop item in exactly the same way as before

I find that preferable to the proposed ResourceArrayRemoveAll

+       while (resarr->nitems > 0)
+       {
+               releasecb(resarr->itemsarr, isCommit);
+       }

which certainly looks like it's an infinite loop; it's assuming (again
with no documentation) that the callback function will cause the array
to get smaller somehow.  With the existing coding, it's much more clear
why we think the loops will terminate.

* The reason that ResourceOwnerReleaseInternal was not horribly
inefficient was that its notion of "any convenient one" of the items
to be deleted next was in fact the one that the corresponding Forget
function would examine first, thus avoiding an O(N^2) cost to
re-identify the item to be dropped.  I think we should make an effort
to be more explicit about that connection in any rewrite.  In particular,
it looks to me like when a hash array is in use, things will get slower
not faster because we'll be adding a hash lookup step to each forget
operation.  Maybe we should consider adjusting the APIs so that that
can be avoided.  Or possibly we could have internal state in the
ResourceArrays that says "we expect this item to be dropped in a moment,
check that before going to the trouble of a hash lookup".

* Actually, I'm not convinced that the proposed reimplementation of
ResourceArrayRemove isn't horribly slow much of the time.  It sure
looks like it could degrade to a linear search very easily.

* I still say that the assumption embodied as RESOURCE_ARRAY_ZERO_ELEMENT
(ie that no valid entry is all-zero-bits) is pretty unacceptable.  It
might work for pointers, but I don't like it for resources represented
by integer indexes.

                        regards, tom lane

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