Hi guys,

Have been discussing what it would take to write an "SDBC" driver for connecting StarOffice/OpenOffice to PostgreSQL with Frank Schönheit, a senior member of the Sun StarOffice/OpenOffice DBA team, and a few senior members of the OpenOffice project.

SDBC is based largely on ODBC, so it might be more a matter of porting the existing ODBC stuff rather than a complete re-write. Frank reckons it would take about 2 man weeks of total effort if needed to be written from scratch, so it's probably not going to be too hard for an experienced C++ & PostgreSQL coder.

Would anyone be interested in getting involved in doing this? If anyone's up for it, the Sun StarOffice/OpenOffice DBA team in Hamburg Germany will be available for support etc.

Getting an SDBC driver written to connect Star/OpenOffice and PostgreSQL is very good step towards integrating PostgreSQL support further into Star/OpenOffice.


Regards and best wishes,

Justin Clift

"My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those
who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the
first group; there was less competition there."
- Indira Gandhi

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