> On 30 Dec 2015, at 17:02, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Oleksii Kliukin <al...@hintbits.com> writes:
>> Bitmap Heap Scan on example  (cost=744.44..757.64 rows=6 width=0) (actual 
>> time=73.895..73.895 rows=0 loops=1)
>>   Output: 1
>>   Recheck Cond: (example.event_time = (now() - '5 mons'::interval))
>>   Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 4030
>>   Heap Blocks: lossy=128
>>   Buffers: shared hit=629
>>   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on example_event_time_idx1  (cost=0.00..744.41 
>> rows=6 width=0) (actual time=70.335..70.335 rows=1280 loops=1)
>>         Index Cond: (example.event_time = (now() - '5 mons'::interval))
>>         Buffers: shared hit=501
>> - how does it get 1280 rows from the BRIN index scan, given that BRIN only 
>> stores pointers to the heap blocks, not individual rows. Does it calculate 
>> the number of rows in the blocks returned?
> It evidently returned 128 block IDs to the heapscan logic.  I have not
> looked at the code, but a reasonable bet is that it's just guessing that
> there are 10 rows per block.

You are right, this is at the end of bringetbitmap in brin.c
         * XXX We have an approximation of the number of *pages* that our scan
         * returns, but we don't have a precise idea of the number of heap 
         * involved.
        PG_RETURN_INT64(totalpages * 10);

> That seems like an awfully low number, though; it equates to assuming
> that rows are 800 bytes wide on average.  If we're going to use a fixed
> number, 100 rows per block would probably be more nearly the correct
> order of magnitude.
> Another idea would be to use the heap's row density as calculated
> by the last ANALYZE (ie, reltuples/relpages), with a fallback to 100
> if relpages=0.  This'd only be convenient if the bitmap scan node has
> the parent heap rel open, which it might not.


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