On 2016/01/06 23:50, Tom Lane wrote:
> Amit Langote <langote_amit...@lab.ntt.co.jp> writes:
>> On 2016/01/06 17:32, Amit Langote wrote:
>>> I stumbled upon a possibly strange behavior which may be related to recent
>>> initdb changes. For a freshly initdb'd cluster, the following looks fishy:
>>> ...
>>> These seem to be leftovers of activities of initdb.c's setup_description()
>>> and setup_collaction().
>> I noticed these leftovers are not present in template1.
> Ah, right: they get deleted from template1 correctly when the
> initdb-driven session shuts down.  But because of the merger into a single
> session, they're still there at the instant that we clone template1 into
> template0 and postgres databases, and there is nothing to remove them from
> there.
> The minimum-change way to deal with it would be to explicitly DROP those
> tables when we're done with them.
> A possibly slightly less fragile answer is to run two sessions, the
> second of which *only* processes the DB copying steps.
> Neither of these answers seems all that clean to me...

Thanks for fixing this in initdb.

So in general, we have no way to get rid of the copies in a new database
of temp tables in template1 when the new database is created in the same
session as the one connected to template1. For example:

template1=# CREATE TEMP TABLE foo(a int);

template1=# INSERT INTO foo VALUES (1);

template1=# CREATE DATABASE test;

template1=# \c test
You are now connected to database "test" as user "amit".

test=# SELECT relname, relnamespace::regnamespace FROM pg_class
WHERE relnamespace != 'pg_catalog'::regnamespace
AND relnamespace != 'pg_toast'::regnamespace
AND relnamespace != 'information_schema'::regnamespace;
relname | relnamespace
foo | pg_temp_2

-- of course, there is no way to open it here (different backend id)
test=# SELECT * FROM foo;
ERROR:  relation "foo" does not exist

-- nor does it prevent from creating a new temp table foo.
test=# CREATE TEMP TABLE foo(a int);

test=# SELECT relname, relnamespace::regnamespace FROM pg_class WHERE
relnamespace != 'pg_catalog'::regnamespace AND relnamespace !=
'pg_toast'::regnamespace AND relnamespace !=
 relname | relnamespace
 foo     | pg_temp_2
 foo     | pg_temp_3
(2 rows)

Maybe, we need not worry too much about this.


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