On 2016/01/06 20:37, Thom Brown wrote:
On 25 December 2015 at 10:00, Etsuro Fujita <fujita.ets...@lab.ntt.co.jp> wrote:
Attached is an updated version of the patch, which is
still WIP, but I'd be happy if I could get any feedback.

I've run into an issue:

*# UPDATE master_customers SET id = 22 WHERE id = 16 RETURNING
CONTEXT:  Remote SQL command: UPDATE public.customers SET id = 22

However, this works:

*# UPDATE master_customers SET id = 22 WHERE id = 16 RETURNING
tableoid::regclass, *;
     tableoid     | id | name  |    company    | registered_date |
expiry_date | active | status  | account_level
  local_customers | 22 | Bruce | Jo's Cupcakes | 2015-01-15      |
2017-01-14  | t      | running | basic
(1 row)

In this example, "local_customers" inherits from the remote table
"public"."customers", which inherits again from the local table

Same issue with DELETE of course, and the ::regclass isn't important here.

Will fix.

Thanks for the testing!

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

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