On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 12:29 AM, Peter Geoghegan <p...@heroku.com> wrote:
> The Gather node executor function ExecGather() does this:
> [ code ]
> I'm not sure why the test for nworkers following the
> LaunchParallelWorkers() call doesn't look like this, though:
>     /* Set up tuple queue readers to read the results. */
>     if (pcxt->nworkers_launched > 0)
>     {
>         ...
>     }

Hmm, yeah, I guess it could do that.

> But going to this additional trouble (detecting no workers launched on
> the basis of !nworkers_launched) suggests that simply testing
> nworkers_launched would be wrong, which AFAICT it isn't. Can't we just
> do that, and in so doing also totally remove the "for" loop shown
> here?

I don't see how the for loop goes away.

> In the case of parallel sequential scan, it looks like one worker can
> be helpful, because then the gather node (leader process) can run the
> plan itself to some degree, and so there are effectively 2 processes
> scanning at a minimum (unless 0 workers could be allocated to begin
> with). How useful is it to have a parallel scan when this happens,
> though?

Empirically, that's really quite useful.  When you have 3 or 4
workers, the leader really doesn't make a significant contribution to
the work, but what I've seen in my testing is that 1 worker often runs
almost twice as fast as 0 workers.

> I guess it isn't obvious to me how to reliably back out of not being
> able to launch at least 2 workers in the case of my parallel index
> build patch, because I suspect 2 workers (plus the leader process) are
> the minimum number that will make index builds faster. Right now, it
> looks like I'll have to check nworkers_launched in the leader (which
> will be the only process to access the ParallelContext, since it's in
> its local memory). Then, having established that there are at least
> the minimum useful number of worker processes launched for sorting,
> the leader can "permit" worker processes to "really" start based on
> changing some state in the TOC/segment in common use. Otherwise, the
> leader must call the whole thing off and do a conventional, serial
> index build, even though technically the main worker process function
> has started execution in worker processes.

I don't really understand why this should be so.  I thought the idea
of parallel sort is (roughly) that each worker should read data until
it fills work_mem, sort that data, and write a tape.  Repeat until no
data remains.  Then, merge the tapes.  I don't see any reason at all
why this shouldn't work just fine with a leader and 1 worker.

> I think what might be better is a general solution to my problem,
> which I imagine will crop up again and again as new clients are added.
> I would like an API that lets callers of LaunchParallelWorkers() only
> actually launch *any* worker on the basis of having been able to
> launch some minimum sensible number (typically 2). Otherwise, indicate
> failure, allowing callers to call the whole thing off in a general
> way, without the postmaster having actually launched anything, and
> without custom "call it all off" code for parallel index builds. This
> would probably involve introducing a distinction between a
> BackgroundWorkerSlot being "reserved" rather than "in_use", lest the
> postmaster accidentally launch 1 worker process before we established
> definitively that launching any is really a good idea.

I think that's probably over-engineered.  I mean, it wouldn't be that
hard to have the workers just exit if you decide you don't want them,
and I don't really want to make the signaling here more complicated
than it really needs to be.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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