I want to speak a proposal on PGCon 2016.
Currently I wrote only title of contents.
Main title is "PostgreSQL in Korea".

That proposal contains

        *  Short history of PostgreSQL in Korea (status of korean user group
and theses works)
        *  kt (korea telecom) report (for PostgreSQL)
        *  ToDo in Korea (of korean user group) 

What can I do for next step?

2016-01-03 (일), 16:58 -0500, Dan Langille:
> In case you've overlooked it, you have about two weeks to submit your 
> proposal.
> PGCon 2016 will be on 17-21 May 2016 at University of Ottawa.
> * 17-18 (Tue-Wed) tutorials
> * 19 & 20 (Thu-Fri) talks - the main part of the conference
> * 17 & 21 (Wed & Sat) The Developer Unconference & the User Unconference 
> (both very popular)
> PLEASE NOTE: PGCon 2016 is in May.
> See http://www.pgcon.org/2016/
> We are now accepting proposals for the main part of the conference (19-20 
> May).
> Proposals can be quite simple. We do not require academic-style papers.
> If you are doing something interesting with PostgreSQL, please submit
> a proposal.  You might be one of the backend hackers or work on a
> PostgreSQL related project and want to share your know-how with
> others. You might be developing an interesting system using PostgreSQL
> as the foundation. Perhaps you migrated from another database to
> PostgreSQL and would like to share details.  These, and other stories
> are welcome. Both users and developers are encouraged to share their
> experiences.
> Here are a some ideas to jump start your proposal process:
> - novel ways in which PostgreSQL is used
> - migration of production systems from another database
> - data warehousing
> - tuning PostgreSQL for different work loads
> - replication and clustering
> - hacking the PostgreSQL code
> - PostgreSQL derivatives and forks
> - applications built around PostgreSQL
> - benchmarking and performance engineering
> - case studies
> - location-aware and mapping software with PostGIS
> - The latest PostgreSQL features and features in development
> - research and teaching with PostgreSQL
> - things the PostgreSQL project could do better
> - integrating PostgreSQL with 3rd-party software
> Both users and developers are encouraged to share their experiences.
> The schedule is:
> 1 Dec 2015 Proposal acceptance begins
> 19 Jan 2016 Proposal acceptance ends
> 19 Feb 2016 Confirmation of accepted proposals
> NOTE: the call for lightning talks will go out very close to the conference.
> Do not submit lightning talks proposals until then.
> See also <http://www.pgcon.org/2016/papers.php>
> Instructions for submitting a proposal to PGCon 2016 are available
> from: <http://www.pgcon.org/2016/submissions.php>

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