On 19 January 2016 at 06:32, Michael Paquier <michael.paqu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The first patch looks fine to me, a nitpick:
> +       /* Be sure to throw an error if the input is infinite --- see dcos */
> s/dcos/docs

No, I meant dcos the function there. I would normally write that as
dcos() to indicate that it is a function, but I thought the convention
here was to omit the parentheses after function names. Looking again,
I see several examples of function names with parentheses in comments,
so they could be added here, or the comment could be written a
different way. I'm happy to leave that to the committer's discretion.

> For patch 2, another nitpick :)
> +       return ( sin(x * (M_PI / 180.0)) / sin(30.0 * (M_PI / 180.0)) ) / 2.0;
> parenthesis format looks incorrect, too many spaces at the border.
> Except those things the second patch looks good to me as well. Let's
> have a committer look at it.

OK. Thanks for looking at this.


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