> "Daniel Verite" <dan...@manitou-mail.org> writes:
>> This boils down to the fact that the current quote_ident gives:
>> =# select quote_ident('test․table');
>>  quote_ident  
>> --------------
>>  "test․table"
>> whereas the quote_ident patched as proposed gives:
>> =# select quote_ident('test․table');
>>  quote_ident 
>> -------------
>>  test․table
>> So this is what I don't feel good about.
> This patch was originally proposed as a simple, cost-free change,
> but it's becoming obvious that it is no such thing.  I think
> we should probably reject it and move on.

It seems I opend a can of worms. I'm going to reject my proposal

Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

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