Sorry, I don't know why this thread was moved to another thread.

I duplicate the patch here.

On 28.01.2016 14:19, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
Artur Zakirov wrote:

I undo the changes and the error will be raised. I will update the patch

I don't think you ever did this. I'm closing it now, but it sounds
useful stuff so please do resubmit for 2016-03.

I'm working on the patch. I wanted to send this changes after all changes.

This version of the patch has a top-level comment. Another comments I will 
provides soon.

Also this patch has some changes with ternary operators.

I don't think you ever did this. I'm closing it now, but it sounds
useful stuff so please do resubmit for 2016-03.

Moved to next CF.

Artur Zakirov
Postgres Professional:
Russian Postgres Company
*** a/doc/src/sgml/textsearch.sgml
--- b/doc/src/sgml/textsearch.sgml
*** 2615,2632 **** SELECT plainto_tsquery('supernova star');
!     To create an <application>Ispell</> dictionary, use the built-in
!     <literal>ispell</literal> template and specify several parameters:
      TEMPLATE = ispell,
!     DictFile = english,
!     AffFile = english,
!     StopWords = english
! );
      Here, <literal>DictFile</>, <literal>AffFile</>, and <literal>StopWords</>
--- 2615,2655 ----
!     To create an <application>Ispell</> dictionary perform these steps:
!    <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
!     <listitem>
!      <para>
!       download dictionary configuration files. <productname>OpenOffice</>
!       extension files have the <filename>.oxt</> extension. It is necessary
!       to extract <filename>.aff</> and <filename>.dic</> files, change extensions
!       to <filename>.affix</> and <filename>.dict</>. For some dictionary
!       files it is also needed to convert characters to the UTF-8 encoding
!       with commands (for example, for norwegian language dictionary):
! iconv -f ISO_8859-1 -t UTF-8 -o nn_no.affix nn_NO.aff
! iconv -f ISO_8859-1 -t UTF-8 -o nn_no.dict nn_NO.dic
! </programlisting>
!      </para>
!     </listitem>
!     <listitem>
!      <para>
!       copy files to the <filename>$SHAREDIR/tsearch_data</> directory
!      </para>
!     </listitem>
!     <listitem>
!      <para>
!       load files into PostgreSQL with the following command:
! <programlisting>
      TEMPLATE = ispell,
!     DictFile = en_us,
!     AffFile = en_us,
!     Stopwords = english);
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
      Here, <literal>DictFile</>, <literal>AffFile</>, and <literal>StopWords</>
*** 2643,2648 **** CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY english_ispell (
--- 2666,2720 ----
+     The <filename>.affix</> file of <application>Ispell</> has the following structure:
+ <programlisting>
+ prefixes
+ flag *A:
+     .           >   RE      # As in enter > reenter
+ suffixes
+ flag T:
+     E           >   ST      # As in late > latest
+     [^AEIOU]Y   >   -Y,IEST # As in dirty > dirtiest
+     [AEIOU]Y    >   EST     # As in gray > grayest
+     [^EY]       >   EST     # As in small > smallest
+ </programlisting>
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     And the <filename>.dict</> file has the following structure:
+ <programlisting>
+ lapse/ADGRS
+ lard/DGRS
+ large/PRTY
+ lark/MRS
+ </programlisting>
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     Format of the <filename>.dict</> file is:
+ <programlisting>
+ basic_form/affix_class_name
+ </programlisting>
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     In the <filename>.affix</> file every affix flag is described in the
+     following format:
+ <programlisting>
+ condition > [-stripping_letters,] adding_affix
+ </programlisting>
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     Here, condition has a format similar to the format of regular expressions.
+     It can use groupings <literal>[...]</> and <literal>[^...]</>.
+     For example, <literal>[AEIOU]Y</> means that the last letter of the word
+     is <literal>"y"</> and the penultimate letter is <literal>"a"</>,
+     <literal>"e"</>, <literal>"i"</>, <literal>"o"</> or <literal>"u"</>.
+     <literal>[^EY]</> means that the last letter is neither <literal>"e"</>
+     nor <literal>"y"</>.
+    </para>
+    <para>
      Ispell dictionaries support splitting compound words;
      a useful feature.
      Notice that the affix file should specify a special flag using the
*** 2663,2668 **** SELECT ts_lexize('norwegian_ispell', 'sjokoladefabrikk');
--- 2735,2796 ----
+    <para>
+     <application>MySpell</> is very similar to <application>Hunspell</>.
+     The <filename>.affix</> file of <application>Hunspell</> has the following structure:
+ <programlisting>
+ PFX A Y 1
+ PFX A   0     re         .
+ SFX T N 4
+ SFX T   0     st         e
+ SFX T   y     iest       [^aeiou]y
+ SFX T   0     est        [aeiou]y
+ SFX T   0     est        [^ey]
+ </programlisting>
+    </para>
+    <para>
+     The first line of an affix class is the header. Fields of an affix rules are listed after the header:
+    </para>
+    <itemizedlist spacing="compact" mark="bullet">
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+       parameter name (PFX or SFX)
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+       flag (name of the affix class)
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+       stripping characters from beginning (at prefix) or end (at suffix) of the word
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+       adding affix
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+     <listitem>
+      <para>
+       condition that has a format similar to the format of regular expressions.
+      </para>
+     </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+    <para>
+     The <filename>.dict</> file looks like the <filename>.dict</> file of
+     <application>Ispell</>:
+ <programlisting>
+ larder/M
+ lardy/RT
+ large/RSPMYT
+ largehearted
+ </programlisting>
+    </para>
       <application>MySpell</> does not support compound words.
*** a/src/backend/tsearch/spell.c
--- b/src/backend/tsearch/spell.c
*** 5,10 ****
--- 5,54 ----
   * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2016, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+  * Ispell dictionary
+  * --------------------------------
+  *
+  * Rules of dictionaries are defined in two files with .affix and .dict
+  * extensions. They are used by spell checker programs Ispell and Hunspell.
+  *
+  * An .affix file declares morphological rules to get a basic form of words.
+  * The format of an .affix file has different structure for Ispell and Hunspell
+  * dictionaries. The Hunspell format is more complicated. But when an .affix
+  * file is imported and compiled, it is stored in the same structure AffixNode.
+  *
+  * A .dict file stores a list of basic forms of words with references to
+  * affix rules. The format of a .dict file has the same structure for Ispell
+  * and Hunspell dictionaries.
+  *
+  * Compilation of a dictionary
+  * ---------------------------
+  *
+  * A compiled dictionary is stored in the IspellDict structure. Compilation of
+  * a dictionary is divided into the several steps:
+  *  - NIImportDictionary() - stores each word of a .dict file in the
+  *    temporary Spell field.
+  *  - NIImportAffixes() - stores affix rules of an .affix file in the
+  *    Affix field (not temporary) if an .affix file has the Ispell format.
+  *    -> NIImportOOAffixes() - stores affix rules if an .affix file has the
+  *       Hunspell format. The AffixData field is initialized if AF parameter
+  *       is defined.
+  *  - NISortDictionary() - builds a prefix tree (Trie) from the words list
+  *    and stores it in the Dictionary field. The AffixData field is initialized
+  *    if AF parameter is not defined.
+  *  - NISortAffixes():
+  *    - builds a list of compond affixes and stores it in the CompoundAffix.
+  *    - builds prefix trees (Trie) from the affix list for prefixes and suffixes
+  *      and stores them in Suffix and Prefix fields.
+  *
+  * Memory management
+  * -----------------
+  *
+  * The IspellDict structure has the Spell field which is used only in compile
+  * time. The Spell field stores a words list. It can take a lot of memory.
+  * Therefore when a dictionary is compiled this field is cleared by NIFinishBuild.
+  *
+  * All resources which should cleared by NIFinishBuild is initialized using
+  * tmpalloc() and tmpalloc0().
   *	  src/backend/tsearch/spell.c
*** 153,159 **** cmpspell(const void *s1, const void *s2)
  static int
  cmpspellaffix(const void *s1, const void *s2)
! 	return (strncmp((*(SPELL *const *) s1)->p.flag, (*(SPELL *const *) s2)->p.flag, MAXFLAGLEN));
  static char *
--- 197,203 ----
  static int
  cmpspellaffix(const void *s1, const void *s2)
! 	return (strncmp((*(SPELL *const *) s1)->flag, (*(SPELL *const *) s2)->flag, MAXFLAGLEN));
  static char *
*** 237,242 **** cmpaffix(const void *s1, const void *s2)
--- 281,353 ----
  					   (const unsigned char *) a2->repl);
+ static unsigned short
+ decodeFlag(IspellDict *Conf, char *sflag, char **sflagnext)
+ {
+ 	unsigned short	s;
+ 	char		   *next;
+ 	switch (Conf->flagMode)
+ 	{
+ 		case FM_LONG:
+ 			s = (int)sflag[0] << 8 | (int)sflag[1];
+ 			if (sflagnext)
+ 				*sflagnext = sflag + 2;
+ 			break;
+ 		case FM_NUM:
+ 			s = (unsigned short) strtol(sflag, &next, 10);
+ 			if (sflagnext)
+ 			{
+ 				if (next)
+ 				{
+ 					*sflagnext = next;
+ 					while (**sflagnext)
+ 					{
+ 						if (**sflagnext == ',')
+ 						{
+ 							*sflagnext = *sflagnext + 1;
+ 							break;
+ 						}
+ 						*sflagnext = *sflagnext + 1;
+ 					}
+ 				}
+ 				else
+ 					*sflagnext = 0;
+ 			}
+ 			break;
+ 		default:
+ 			s = (unsigned short) *((unsigned char *)sflag);
+ 			if (sflagnext)
+ 				*sflagnext = sflag + 1;
+ 	}
+ 	return s;
+ }
+ static bool
+ isAffixFlagInUse(IspellDict *Conf, int affix, unsigned short affixflag)
+ {
+ 	char *flagcur;
+ 	char *flagnext = 0;
+ 	if (affixflag == 0)
+ 		return true;
+ 	flagcur = Conf->AffixData[affix];
+ 	while (*flagcur)
+ 	{
+ 		if (decodeFlag(Conf, flagcur, &flagnext) == affixflag)
+ 			return true;
+ 		if (flagnext)
+ 			flagcur = flagnext;
+ 		else
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+ 	return false;
+ }
  static void
  NIAddSpell(IspellDict *Conf, const char *word, const char *flag)
*** 255,261 **** NIAddSpell(IspellDict *Conf, const char *word, const char *flag)
  	Conf->Spell[Conf->nspell] = (SPELL *) tmpalloc(SPELLHDRSZ + strlen(word) + 1);
  	strcpy(Conf->Spell[Conf->nspell]->word, word);
! 	strlcpy(Conf->Spell[Conf->nspell]->p.flag, flag, MAXFLAGLEN);
--- 366,372 ----
  	Conf->Spell[Conf->nspell] = (SPELL *) tmpalloc(SPELLHDRSZ + strlen(word) + 1);
  	strcpy(Conf->Spell[Conf->nspell]->word, word);
! 	Conf->Spell[Conf->nspell]->flag = (*flag != '\0') ? cpstrdup(Conf, flag) : VoidString;
*** 355,361 **** FindWord(IspellDict *Conf, const char *word, int affixflag, int flag)
  					else if ((flag & StopMiddle->compoundflag) == 0)
  						return 0;
! 					if ((affixflag == 0) || (strchr(Conf->AffixData[StopMiddle->affix], affixflag) != NULL))
  						return 1;
  				node = StopMiddle->node;
--- 466,472 ----
  					else if ((flag & StopMiddle->compoundflag) == 0)
  						return 0;
! 					if (isAffixFlagInUse(Conf, StopMiddle->affix, affixflag))
  						return 1;
  				node = StopMiddle->node;
*** 394,400 **** NIAddAffix(IspellDict *Conf, int flag, char flagflags, const char *mask, const c
  	Affix = Conf->Affix + Conf->naffixes;
! 	if (strcmp(mask, ".") == 0)
  		Affix->issimple = 1;
  		Affix->isregis = 0;
--- 505,511 ----
  	Affix = Conf->Affix + Conf->naffixes;
! 	if (strcmp(mask, ".") == 0 || *mask == '\0')
  		Affix->issimple = 1;
  		Affix->isregis = 0;
*** 403,409 **** NIAddAffix(IspellDict *Conf, int flag, char flagflags, const char *mask, const c
  		Affix->issimple = 0;
  		Affix->isregis = 1;
! 		RS_compile(&(Affix->reg.regis), (type == FF_SUFFIX) ? true : false,
  				   *mask ? mask : VoidString);
--- 514,520 ----
  		Affix->issimple = 0;
  		Affix->isregis = 1;
! 		RS_compile(&(Affix->reg.regis), (type == FF_SUFFIX),
  				   *mask ? mask : VoidString);
*** 576,582 **** parse_affentry(char *str, char *mask, char *find, char *repl)
  	*pmask = *pfind = *prepl = '\0';
! 	return (*mask && (*find || *repl)) ? true : false;
  static void
--- 687,693 ----
  	*pmask = *pfind = *prepl = '\0';
! 	return (*mask && (*find || *repl));
  static void
*** 595,604 **** addFlagValue(IspellDict *Conf, char *s, uint32 val)
  				 errmsg("multibyte flag character is not allowed")));
! 	Conf->flagval[*(unsigned char *) s] = (unsigned char) val;
  	Conf->usecompound = true;
   * Import an affix file that follows MySpell or Hunspell format
--- 706,763 ----
  				 errmsg("multibyte flag character is not allowed")));
! 	Conf->flagval[decodeFlag(Conf, s, (char **)NULL)] = (unsigned char) val;
  	Conf->usecompound = true;
+ static int
+ getFlagValues(IspellDict *Conf, char *s)
+ {
+ 	uint32	 flag = 0;
+ 	char	*flagcur;
+ 	char	*flagnext = 0;
+ 	flagcur = s;
+ 	while (*flagcur)
+ 	{
+ 		flag |= Conf->flagval[decodeFlag(Conf, flagcur, &flagnext)];
+ 		if (flagnext)
+ 			flagcur = flagnext;
+ 		else
+ 			break;
+ 	}
+ 	return flag;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Get flag set from "s".
+  *
+  * Returns flag set from AffixData array if AF parameter used (useFlagAliases is true).
+  * In this case "s" is alias for flag set.
+  *
+  * Otherwise returns "s".
+  */
+ static char *
+ getFlags(IspellDict *Conf, char *s)
+ {
+ 	int curaffix;
+ 	if (Conf->useFlagAliases)
+ 	{
+ 		curaffix = strtol(s, (char **)NULL, 10);
+ 		if (curaffix && curaffix <= Conf->nAffixData)
+ 			/*
+ 			 * Do not substract 1 from curaffix
+ 			 * because empty string was added in NIImportOOAffixes
+ 			 */
+ 			return Conf->AffixData[curaffix];
+ 		else
+ 			return VoidString;
+ 	}
+ 	else
+ 		return s;
+ }
   * Import an affix file that follows MySpell or Hunspell format
*** 615,621 **** NIImportOOAffixes(IspellDict *Conf, const char *filename)
  	char		repl[BUFSIZ],
  	bool		isSuffix = false;
! 	int			flag = 0;
  	char		flagflags = 0;
  	tsearch_readline_state trst;
  	int			scanread = 0;
--- 774,784 ----
  	char		repl[BUFSIZ],
  	bool		isSuffix = false;
! 	int			naffix = 0,
! 				curaffix = 0;
! 	int			flag = 0,
! 				flagprev = 0,
! 				sflaglen = 0;
  	char		flagflags = 0;
  	tsearch_readline_state trst;
  	int			scanread = 0;
*** 625,630 **** NIImportOOAffixes(IspellDict *Conf, const char *filename)
--- 788,795 ----
  	/* read file to find any flag */
  	memset(Conf->flagval, 0, sizeof(Conf->flagval));
  	Conf->usecompound = false;
+ 	Conf->useFlagAliases = false;
+ 	Conf->flagMode = FM_CHAR;
  	if (!tsearch_readline_begin(&trst, filename))
*** 672,681 **** NIImportOOAffixes(IspellDict *Conf, const char *filename)
  			while (*s && t_isspace(s))
  				s += pg_mblen(s);
! 			if (*s && STRNCMP(s, "default") != 0)
! 				ereport(ERROR,
! 						 errmsg("Ispell dictionary supports only default flag value")));
--- 837,853 ----
  			while (*s && t_isspace(s))
  				s += pg_mblen(s);
! 			if (*s)
! 			{
! 				if (STRNCMP(s, "long") == 0)
! 					Conf->flagMode = FM_LONG;
! 				else if (STRNCMP(s, "num") == 0)
! 					Conf->flagMode = FM_NUM;
! 				else if (STRNCMP(s, "default") != 0)
! 					ereport(ERROR,
! 						 errmsg("Ispell dictionary supports only default, long and num flag value")));
! 			}
*** 695,725 **** NIImportOOAffixes(IspellDict *Conf, const char *filename)
  		if (*recoded == '\0' || t_isspace(recoded) || t_iseq(recoded, '#'))
  			goto nextline;
  		scanread = sscanf(recoded, scanbuf, type, sflag, find, repl, mask);
  		if (ptype)
  		ptype = lowerstr_ctx(Conf, type);
  		if (scanread < 4 || (STRNCMP(ptype, "sfx") && STRNCMP(ptype, "pfx")))
  			goto nextline;
! 		if (scanread == 4)
! 			if (strlen(sflag) != 1)
! 				goto nextline;
! 			flag = *sflag;
! 			isSuffix = (STRNCMP(ptype, "sfx") == 0) ? true : false;
  			if (t_iseq(find, 'y') || t_iseq(find, 'Y'))
  				flagflags = FF_CROSSPRODUCT;
  				flagflags = 0;
  			char	   *ptr;
  			int			aflg = 0;
! 			if (strlen(sflag) != 1 || flag != *sflag || flag == 0)
  				goto nextline;
  			prepl = lowerstr_ctx(Conf, repl);
  			/* affix flag */
--- 867,941 ----
  		if (*recoded == '\0' || t_isspace(recoded) || t_iseq(recoded, '#'))
  			goto nextline;
+ 		*find = *repl = *mask = '\0';
  		scanread = sscanf(recoded, scanbuf, type, sflag, find, repl, mask);
  		if (ptype)
  		ptype = lowerstr_ctx(Conf, type);
+ 		/* First try to parse AF parameter (alias compression) */
+ 		if (STRNCMP(ptype, "af") == 0)
+ 		{
+ 			/* First line is the number of aliases */
+ 			if (!Conf->useFlagAliases)
+ 			{
+ 				Conf->useFlagAliases = true;
+ 				naffix = atoi(sflag);
+ 				if (naffix == 0)
+ 					ereport(ERROR,
+ 						(errcode(ERRCODE_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR),
+ 						 errmsg("invalid number of flag vector aliases")));
+ 				/* Also reserve place for empty flag set */
+ 				naffix++;
+ 				Conf->AffixData = (char **) palloc0(naffix * sizeof(char *));
+ 				Conf->lenAffixData = Conf->nAffixData = naffix;
+ 				/* Add empty flag set into AffixData */
+ 				Conf->AffixData[curaffix] = VoidString;
+ 				curaffix++;
+ 			}
+ 			/* Other lines is aliases */
+ 			else
+ 			{
+ 				if (curaffix < naffix)
+ 				{
+ 					Conf->AffixData[curaffix] = cpstrdup(Conf, sflag);
+ 					curaffix++;
+ 				}
+ 			}
+ 			goto nextline;
+ 		}
+ 		/* Else try to parse prefixes and suffixes */
  		if (scanread < 4 || (STRNCMP(ptype, "sfx") && STRNCMP(ptype, "pfx")))
  			goto nextline;
! 		sflaglen = strlen(sflag);
! 		if (sflaglen == 0
! 			|| (sflaglen > 1 && Conf->flagMode == FM_CHAR)
! 			|| (sflaglen > 2 && Conf->flagMode == FM_LONG))
! 			goto nextline;
! 		flag = decodeFlag(Conf, sflag, (char **)NULL);
! 		/* Affix header */
! 		if (flag != flagprev)
! 			flagprev = flag;
! 			isSuffix = (STRNCMP(ptype, "sfx") == 0);
  			if (t_iseq(find, 'y') || t_iseq(find, 'Y'))
  				flagflags = FF_CROSSPRODUCT;
  				flagflags = 0;
+ 		/* Affix fields */
  			char	   *ptr;
  			int			aflg = 0;
! 			if (flag == 0)
  				goto nextline;
  			prepl = lowerstr_ctx(Conf, repl);
  			/* affix flag */
*** 727,737 **** NIImportOOAffixes(IspellDict *Conf, const char *filename)
  				*ptr = '\0';
  				ptr = repl + (ptr - prepl) + 1;
! 				while (*ptr)
! 				{
! 					aflg |= Conf->flagval[*(unsigned char *) ptr];
! 					ptr++;
! 				}
  			pfind = lowerstr_ctx(Conf, find);
  			pmask = lowerstr_ctx(Conf, mask);
--- 943,949 ----
  				*ptr = '\0';
  				ptr = repl + (ptr - prepl) + 1;
! 				aflg |= getFlagValues(Conf, getFlags(Conf, ptr));
  			pfind = lowerstr_ctx(Conf, find);
  			pmask = lowerstr_ctx(Conf, mask);
*** 789,794 **** NIImportAffixes(IspellDict *Conf, const char *filename)
--- 1001,1008 ----
  	memset(Conf->flagval, 0, sizeof(Conf->flagval));
  	Conf->usecompound = false;
+ 	Conf->useFlagAliases = false;
+ 	Conf->flagMode = FM_CHAR;
  	while ((recoded = tsearch_readline(&trst)) != NULL)
*** 931,946 **** MergeAffix(IspellDict *Conf, int a1, int a2)
  static uint32
  makeCompoundFlags(IspellDict *Conf, int affix)
! 	uint32		flag = 0;
! 	char	   *str = Conf->AffixData[affix];
! 	while (str && *str)
! 	{
! 		flag |= Conf->flagval[*(unsigned char *) str];
! 		str++;
! 	}
! 	return (flag & FF_DICTFLAGMASK);
  static SPNode *
--- 1145,1152 ----
  static uint32
  makeCompoundFlags(IspellDict *Conf, int affix)
! 	char *str = Conf->AffixData[affix];
! 	return (getFlagValues(Conf, str) & FF_DICTFLAGMASK);
  static SPNode *
*** 954,960 **** mkSPNode(IspellDict *Conf, int low, int high, int level)
  	int			lownew = low;
  	for (i = low; i < high; i++)
! 		if (Conf->Spell[i]->p.d.len > level && lastchar != Conf->Spell[i]->word[level])
  			lastchar = Conf->Spell[i]->word[level];
--- 1160,1166 ----
  	int			lownew = low;
  	for (i = low; i < high; i++)
! 		if (Conf->Spell[i]->d.len > level && lastchar != Conf->Spell[i]->word[level])
  			lastchar = Conf->Spell[i]->word[level];
*** 969,975 **** mkSPNode(IspellDict *Conf, int low, int high, int level)
  	lastchar = '\0';
  	for (i = low; i < high; i++)
! 		if (Conf->Spell[i]->p.d.len > level)
  			if (lastchar != Conf->Spell[i]->word[level])
--- 1175,1181 ----
  	lastchar = '\0';
  	for (i = low; i < high; i++)
! 		if (Conf->Spell[i]->d.len > level)
  			if (lastchar != Conf->Spell[i]->word[level])
*** 982,992 **** mkSPNode(IspellDict *Conf, int low, int high, int level)
  				lastchar = Conf->Spell[i]->word[level];
  			data->val = ((uint8 *) (Conf->Spell[i]->word))[level];
! 			if (Conf->Spell[i]->p.d.len == level + 1)
  				bool		clearCompoundOnly = false;
! 				if (data->isword && data->affix != Conf->Spell[i]->p.d.affix)
  					 * MergeAffix called a few times. If one of word is
--- 1188,1198 ----
  				lastchar = Conf->Spell[i]->word[level];
  			data->val = ((uint8 *) (Conf->Spell[i]->word))[level];
! 			if (Conf->Spell[i]->d.len == level + 1)
  				bool		clearCompoundOnly = false;
! 				if (data->isword && data->affix != Conf->Spell[i]->d.affix)
  					 * MergeAffix called a few times. If one of word is
*** 995,1006 **** mkSPNode(IspellDict *Conf, int low, int high, int level)
  					clearCompoundOnly = (FF_COMPOUNDONLY & data->compoundflag
! 						& makeCompoundFlags(Conf, Conf->Spell[i]->p.d.affix))
  						? false : true;
! 					data->affix = MergeAffix(Conf, data->affix, Conf->Spell[i]->p.d.affix);
! 					data->affix = Conf->Spell[i]->p.d.affix;
  				data->isword = 1;
  				data->compoundflag = makeCompoundFlags(Conf, data->affix);
--- 1201,1212 ----
  					clearCompoundOnly = (FF_COMPOUNDONLY & data->compoundflag
! 						& makeCompoundFlags(Conf, Conf->Spell[i]->d.affix))
  						? false : true;
! 					data->affix = MergeAffix(Conf, data->affix, Conf->Spell[i]->d.affix);
! 					data->affix = Conf->Spell[i]->d.affix;
  				data->isword = 1;
  				data->compoundflag = makeCompoundFlags(Conf, data->affix);
*** 1032,1070 **** NISortDictionary(IspellDict *Conf)
  	/* compress affixes */
! 	/* Count the number of different flags used in the dictionary */
! 	qsort((void *) Conf->Spell, Conf->nspell, sizeof(SPELL *), cmpspellaffix);
! 	naffix = 0;
! 	for (i = 0; i < Conf->nspell; i++)
! 	{
! 		if (i == 0 || strncmp(Conf->Spell[i]->p.flag, Conf->Spell[i - 1]->p.flag, MAXFLAGLEN))
! 			naffix++;
! 	}
! 	/*
! 	 * Fill in Conf->AffixData with the affixes that were used in the
! 	 * dictionary. Replace textual flag-field of Conf->Spell entries with
! 	 * indexes into Conf->AffixData array.
! 	Conf->AffixData = (char **) palloc0(naffix * sizeof(char *));
! 	curaffix = -1;
! 	for (i = 0; i < Conf->nspell; i++)
! 		if (i == 0 || strncmp(Conf->Spell[i]->p.flag, Conf->AffixData[curaffix], MAXFLAGLEN))
! 			curaffix++;
! 			Assert(curaffix < naffix);
! 			Conf->AffixData[curaffix] = cpstrdup(Conf, Conf->Spell[i]->p.flag);
- 		Conf->Spell[i]->p.d.affix = curaffix;
- 		Conf->Spell[i]->p.d.len = strlen(Conf->Spell[i]->word);
! 	Conf->lenAffixData = Conf->nAffixData = naffix;
  	qsort((void *) Conf->Spell, Conf->nspell, sizeof(SPELL *), cmpspell);
  	Conf->Dictionary = mkSPNode(Conf, 0, Conf->nspell, 0);
--- 1238,1294 ----
  	/* compress affixes */
! 	/* If we use flag aliases then we need to use Conf->AffixData filled in NIImportOOAffixes.
! 	 * If Conf->Spell[i]->flag is empty, then get empty value of Conf->AffixData (0 index)
! 	if (Conf->useFlagAliases)
! 		for (i = 0; i < Conf->nspell; i++)
! 			curaffix = strtol(Conf->Spell[i]->flag, (char **)NULL, 10);
! 			if (curaffix && curaffix <= Conf->nAffixData)
! 				Conf->Spell[i]->d.affix = curaffix;
! 			else
! 				Conf->Spell[i]->d.affix = 0;
! 			Conf->Spell[i]->d.len = strlen(Conf->Spell[i]->word);
+ 	/* Otherwise fill Conf->AffixData here */
+ 	else
+ 	{
+ 		/* Count the number of different flags used in the dictionary */
+ 		qsort((void *) Conf->Spell, Conf->nspell, sizeof(SPELL *), cmpspellaffix);
+ 		naffix = 0;
+ 		for (i = 0; i < Conf->nspell; i++)
+ 		{
+ 			if (i == 0 || strcmp(Conf->Spell[i]->flag, Conf->Spell[i - 1]->flag))
+ 				naffix++;
+ 		}
! 		/*
! 		 * Fill in Conf->AffixData with the affixes that were used in the
! 		 * dictionary. Replace textual flag-field of Conf->Spell entries with
! 		 * indexes into Conf->AffixData array.
! 		 */
! 		Conf->AffixData = (char **) palloc0(naffix * sizeof(char *));
! 		curaffix = -1;
! 		for (i = 0; i < Conf->nspell; i++)
! 		{
! 			if (i == 0 || strcmp(Conf->Spell[i]->flag, Conf->AffixData[curaffix]))
! 			{
! 				curaffix++;
! 				Assert(curaffix < naffix);
! 				Conf->AffixData[curaffix] = cpstrdup(Conf, Conf->Spell[i]->flag);
! 			}
! 			Conf->Spell[i]->d.affix = curaffix;
! 			Conf->Spell[i]->d.len = strlen(Conf->Spell[i]->word);
! 		}
! 		Conf->lenAffixData = Conf->nAffixData = naffix;
! 	}
  	qsort((void *) Conf->Spell, Conf->nspell, sizeof(SPELL *), cmpspell);
  	Conf->Dictionary = mkSPNode(Conf, 0, Conf->nspell, 0);
*** 1185,1196 **** mkVoidAffix(IspellDict *Conf, bool issuffix, int startsuffix)
  static bool
! isAffixInUse(IspellDict *Conf, char flag)
  	int			i;
  	for (i = 0; i < Conf->nAffixData; i++)
! 		if (strchr(Conf->AffixData[i], flag) != NULL)
  			return true;
  	return false;
--- 1409,1420 ----
  static bool
! isAffixInUse(IspellDict *Conf, int flag)
  	int			i;
  	for (i = 0; i < Conf->nAffixData; i++)
! 		if (isAffixFlagInUse(Conf, i, flag))
  			return true;
  	return false;
*** 1219,1225 **** NISortAffixes(IspellDict *Conf)
  			firstsuffix = i;
  		if ((Affix->flagflags & FF_COMPOUNDFLAG) && Affix->replen > 0 &&
! 			isAffixInUse(Conf, (char) Affix->flag))
  			if (ptr == Conf->CompoundAffix ||
  				ptr->issuffix != (ptr - 1)->issuffix ||
--- 1443,1449 ----
  			firstsuffix = i;
  		if ((Affix->flagflags & FF_COMPOUNDFLAG) && Affix->replen > 0 &&
! 			isAffixInUse(Conf, Affix->flag))
  			if (ptr == Conf->CompoundAffix ||
  				ptr->issuffix != (ptr - 1)->issuffix ||
*** 1230,1236 **** NISortAffixes(IspellDict *Conf)
  				/* leave only unique and minimals suffixes */
  				ptr->affix = Affix->repl;
  				ptr->len = Affix->replen;
! 				ptr->issuffix = (Affix->type == FF_SUFFIX) ? true : false;
--- 1454,1460 ----
  				/* leave only unique and minimals suffixes */
  				ptr->affix = Affix->repl;
  				ptr->len = Affix->replen;
! 				ptr->issuffix = (Affix->type == FF_SUFFIX);
*** 1685,1691 **** SplitToVariants(IspellDict *Conf, SPNode *snode, SplitVar *orig, char *word, int
  		if (StopLow < StopHigh)
! 			if (level == FF_COMPOUNDBEGIN)
  				compoundflag = FF_COMPOUNDBEGIN;
  			else if (level == wordlen - 1)
  				compoundflag = FF_COMPOUNDLAST;
--- 1909,1915 ----
  		if (StopLow < StopHigh)
! 			if (startpos == 0)
  				compoundflag = FF_COMPOUNDBEGIN;
  			else if (level == wordlen - 1)
  				compoundflag = FF_COMPOUNDLAST;
*** a/src/include/tsearch/dicts/spell.h
--- b/src/include/tsearch/dicts/spell.h
*** 57,75 **** typedef struct SPNode
  typedef struct spell_struct
! 	union
! 		/*
! 		 * flag is filled in by NIImportDictionary. After NISortDictionary, d
! 		 * is valid and flag is invalid.
! 		 */
! 		char		flag[MAXFLAGLEN];
! 		struct
! 		{
! 			int			affix;
! 			int			len;
! 		}			d;
! 	}			p;
  } SPELL;
--- 57,72 ----
  typedef struct spell_struct
! 	struct
! 		int			affix;
! 		int			len;
! 	}			d;
! 	/*
! 	 * flag is filled in by NIImportDictionary. After NISortDictionary, d
! 	 * is used instead of flag.
! 	 */
! 	char	   *flag;
  } SPELL;
*** 77,83 **** typedef struct spell_struct
  typedef struct aff_struct
! 	uint32		flag:8,
--- 74,80 ----
  typedef struct aff_struct
! 	uint32		flag:16,
*** 132,137 **** typedef struct
--- 129,141 ----
  	bool		issuffix;
  } CMPDAffix;
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ } FlagMode;
  typedef struct
  	int			maffixes;
*** 145,155 **** typedef struct
  	char	  **AffixData;
  	int			lenAffixData;
  	int			nAffixData;
  	CMPDAffix  *CompoundAffix;
! 	unsigned char flagval[256];
  	bool		usecompound;
  	 * Remaining fields are only used during dictionary construction; they are
--- 149,161 ----
  	char	  **AffixData;
  	int			lenAffixData;
  	int			nAffixData;
+ 	bool		useFlagAliases;
  	CMPDAffix  *CompoundAffix;
! 	unsigned char flagval[65000];
  	bool		usecompound;
+ 	FlagMode	flagMode;
  	 * Remaining fields are only used during dictionary construction; they are
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