On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 11:52 PM, Alvaro Herrera
<alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Robert Haas wrote:
>> The eventual committer is likely to be much happier with this patch if
>> you guys have achieved consensus among yourselves on the best
>> approach.
> Actually I imagine that if there's no agreement between author and first
> reviewer, there might not *be* a committer in the first place.  Perhaps
> try to get someone else to think about it and make a decision.  It is
> possible that some other committer is able to decide by themselves but I
> wouldn't count on it.

Pavel and I agree that the backward incompatible behavior is cleaner,
but it's backward incompatible. Whether that extra cleanness is worth
the incompatibility is never obvious. In this case I think it does.
But since my opinion is just my opinion, I was planning to make the
committer be that someone else that weighs the issues and makes a

I'm new around here and picked this patch to get started due to having
Python knowledge and the patch seeming self contained enough. Being
new makes me wonder all the time "am I just making life difficult for
the patch author or is this idea genuinely good and therefore I should
push it forward?". I think more beginners that try to do reviews
struggle with this.

But, let's try to reach a decision. The existing behaviour dates back
to 0bef7ba Add plpython code by Bruce. I've added him to the mail,
maybe he can help us with a decision. I'll summarize the patch and
explain the incompatibility decision with some illustrative code.

The patch is trying to make it possible to call ereport from PL/Python
and provide the rich ereport information (detail, hint, sqlcode etc.).
There are already functions like plpy.info() but they only expose
message and they call elog instead of ereport.

See the attached incompat.py. Running it produces:

           existing behaviour
PG elog/ereport with message: 1: hi detail: None hint: None
PG elog/ereport with message: ('2: hi', 'another argument') detail:
None hint: None
PG elog/ereport with message: ('3: hi', 'another argument', 2) detail:
None hint: None
PG elog/ereport with message: ('4: hi', 'another argument', 2, 'lots',
'of', 'arguments') detail: None hint: None

             new behaviour
PG elog/ereport with message: 1: hi detail: None hint: None
PG elog/ereport with message: 2: hi detail: another argument hint: None
PG elog/ereport with message: 3: hi detail: another argument hint: 2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "incompat.py", line 43, in <module>
    info_new('4: hi', 'another argument', 2, 'lots', 'of', 'arguments')
TypeError: info_new() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given)

I find existing behaviour for 2, 3 and 4 unlike other Python APIs I've
seen, surprising and not very useful. If I want to log a tuple I can
construct and pass a single tuple, I don't see why plpy.info() needs
to construct it for me. And for the documented, single argument call
nothing changes.

The question to Bruce (and others) is: is it ok to change to the new
behaviour illustrated and change meaning for usages like 2, 3 and 4?
If we don't want that, the solution Pavel and I see is introducing a
parallel API named plpy.raise_info or plpy.rich_info or something like
that with the new behaviour and leave the existing functions
unchanged. Another option is some compatibility GUC but I don't think
it's worth the trouble and confusion.
# simulated PG elog
def elog(message):

# simulated PG ereport
def ereport(message, detail=None, hint=None):
        print 'PG elog/ereport with message: %s detail: %s hint: %s' % (message, detail, hint)

# existing code behaves like this:
#   takes an unlimited number of arguments
#   doesn't take keyword arguments
#   makes a string representation of the tuple of all arguments unless that tuple has size 1 in which case it only makes a string representation of the first one
def info_existing(*args):
        if len(args) == 1:
                # special case added by Peter in 2e3b16
                str_to_log = str(args[0])
                str_to_log = str(args)


# and I'm proposing to change it to do this:
#   take 1 required argument and extra optional arguments for every argument accepted by ereport
#   accepts keyword arguments
#   passing too many arguments will get rejected
def info_new(message, detail=None, hint=None):
        ereport(message, detail, hint)

print 'existing behaviour'.center(40)
info_existing('1: hi')
info_existing('2: hi', 'another argument')
info_existing('3: hi', 'another argument', 2)
info_existing('4: hi', 'another argument', 2, 'lots', 'of', 'arguments')


print 'new behaviour'.center(40)
info_new('1: hi') # for the documented single argument case same behaviour as existing
info_new('2: hi', 'another argument')
info_new('3: hi', 'another argument', 2)
info_new('4: hi', 'another argument', 2, 'lots', 'of', 'arguments')

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