Jim Nasby <jim.na...@bluetreble.com> writes:
> On 2/8/16 2:45 PM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> I had in mind to just "git revert" the patch when we're done with it.

> It's already difficult enough for DBAs to debug some performance issues, 
> so getting rid of logging is a step backwards. I realize it's unlikely 
> that you could run DEBUG2 in a prod environment, but we still shouldn't 
> be reducing visibility.

Meh.  It seems clear to me that we should move the "database system is
shut down" message so that it comes out only after the postmaster has
removed its lockfiles (and hence is really gone so far as any outside
vantage point is concerned).  But I do not think any of the rest of
what I put in has any lasting value.

                        regards, tom lane

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