Hello Michaƫl,

\set aid 1 + 1
pgbench -f addition.sql -t 50000000

I have the following:
HEAD: 3.5~3.7M TPS
list method: 3.6~3.7M TPS
array method: 3.4~3.5M TPS
So all approaches have a comparable performance.

Yep, the execution trace is pretty similar in all cases, maybe with a little more work for the array method, although I'm surprise that the difference is discernable.

Btw, patch 2 is returning a warning for me:
It is trying to compare a 32b integer with an int64 value, evalFunc
needed an int64.

Indeed. My gcc 4.8.4 with --Wall does not show the warning, too bad.

Attached is the fixed patch for the array method.

diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
index ade1b53..f39f341 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ pgbench <optional> <replaceable>options</> </optional> <replaceable>dbname</>
-   <varlistentry>
+   <varlistentry id='pgbench-metacommand-set'>
      <literal>\set <replaceable>varname</> <replaceable>expression</></literal>
@@ -798,8 +798,10 @@ pgbench <optional> <replaceable>options</> </optional> <replaceable>dbname</>
       The expression may contain integer constants such as <literal>5432</>,
       references to variables <literal>:</><replaceable>variablename</>,
       and expressions composed of unary (<literal>-</>) or binary operators
-      (<literal>+</>, <literal>-</>, <literal>*</>, <literal>/</>, <literal>%</>)
-      with their usual associativity, and parentheses.
+      (<literal>+</>, <literal>-</>, <literal>*</>, <literal>/</>,
+      <literal>%</>) with their usual associativity,
+      <link linkend="pgbench-builtin-functions">function calls</>, and
+      parentheses.
@@ -994,6 +996,62 @@ END;
+ <refsect2 id="pgbench-builtin-functions">
+  <title>Built-In Functions</title>
+   <para>
+     The following functions are built into <application>pgbench</> and
+     may be used in conjunction with
+     <link linkend="pgbench-metacommand-set"><literal>\set</literal></link>.
+   </para>
+   <!-- list pgbench functions in alphabetical order -->
+   <table>
+    <title>pgbench Functions</title>
+    <tgroup cols="5">
+     <thead>
+      <row>
+       <entry>Function</entry>
+       <entry>Return Type</entry>
+       <entry>Description</entry>
+       <entry>Example</entry>
+       <entry>Result</entry>
+      </row>
+     </thead>
+     <tbody>
+      <row>
+       <entry><literal><function>abs(<replaceable>a</>)</></></>
+       <entry>same as <replaceable>a</></>
+       <entry>integer value</>
+       <entry><literal>abs(-17)</></>
+       <entry><literal>17</></>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry><literal><function>debug(<replaceable>a</>)</></></>
+       <entry>same as <replaceable>a</> </>
+       <entry>print to <systemitem>stderr</systemitem> the given argument</>
+       <entry><literal>debug(5432)</></>
+       <entry><literal>5432</></>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry><literal><function>max(<replaceable>i</> [, <replaceable>...</> ] )</></></>
+       <entry>integer</>
+       <entry>maximum value</>
+       <entry><literal>max(5, 4, 3, 2)</></>
+       <entry><literal>5</></>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry><literal><function>min(<replaceable>i</> [, <replaceable>...</> ] )</></></>
+       <entry>integer</>
+       <entry>minimum value</>
+       <entry><literal>min(5, 4, 3, 2)</></>
+       <entry><literal>2</></>
+      </row>
+     </tbody>
+     </tgroup>
+   </table>
+ </refsect2>
   <title>Per-Transaction Logging</title>
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y b/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y
index 06ee04b..cac4d5e 100644
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y
@@ -16,10 +16,13 @@
 PgBenchExpr *expr_parse_result;
+static PgBenchExprList *make_elist(PgBenchExpr *exp, PgBenchExprList *list);
 static PgBenchExpr *make_integer_constant(int64 ival);
 static PgBenchExpr *make_variable(char *varname);
-static PgBenchExpr *make_op(char operator, PgBenchExpr *lexpr,
+static PgBenchExpr *make_op(const char *operator, PgBenchExpr *lexpr,
 		PgBenchExpr *rexpr);
+static int find_func(const char *fname);
+static PgBenchExpr *make_func(const int fnumber, PgBenchExprList *args);
@@ -31,13 +34,15 @@ static PgBenchExpr *make_op(char operator, PgBenchExpr *lexpr,
 	int64		ival;
 	char	   *str;
 	PgBenchExpr *expr;
+	PgBenchExprList *elist;
+%type <elist> elist
 %type <expr> expr
-%type <ival> INTEGER
-%type <str> VARIABLE
+%type <ival> INTEGER function
 %token CHAR_ERROR /* never used, will raise a syntax error */
 /* Precedence: lowest to highest */
@@ -49,16 +54,25 @@ static PgBenchExpr *make_op(char operator, PgBenchExpr *lexpr,
 result: expr				{ expr_parse_result = $1; }
+elist:                  	{ $$ = NULL; }
+	| expr 					{ $$ = make_elist($1, NULL); }
+	| elist ',' expr		{ $$ = make_elist($3, $1); }
+	;
 expr: '(' expr ')'			{ $$ = $2; }
 	| '+' expr %prec UMINUS	{ $$ = $2; }
-	| '-' expr %prec UMINUS	{ $$ = make_op('-', make_integer_constant(0), $2); }
-	| expr '+' expr			{ $$ = make_op('+', $1, $3); }
-	| expr '-' expr			{ $$ = make_op('-', $1, $3); }
-	| expr '*' expr			{ $$ = make_op('*', $1, $3); }
-	| expr '/' expr			{ $$ = make_op('/', $1, $3); }
-	| expr '%' expr			{ $$ = make_op('%', $1, $3); }
+	| '-' expr %prec UMINUS	{ $$ = make_op("-", make_integer_constant(0), $2); }
+	| expr '+' expr			{ $$ = make_op("+", $1, $3); }
+	| expr '-' expr			{ $$ = make_op("-", $1, $3); }
+	| expr '*' expr			{ $$ = make_op("*", $1, $3); }
+	| expr '/' expr			{ $$ = make_op("/", $1, $3); }
+	| expr '%' expr			{ $$ = make_op("%", $1, $3); }
 	| INTEGER				{ $$ = make_integer_constant($1); }
 	| VARIABLE 				{ $$ = make_variable($1); }
+	| function '(' elist ')'{ $$ = make_func($1, $3); }
+	;
+function: FUNCTION			{ $$ = find_func($1); pg_free($1); }
@@ -84,14 +98,131 @@ make_variable(char *varname)
 static PgBenchExpr *
-make_op(char operator, PgBenchExpr *lexpr, PgBenchExpr *rexpr)
+make_op(const char *operator, PgBenchExpr *lexpr, PgBenchExpr *rexpr)
+	return make_func(find_func(operator),
+					 make_elist(rexpr, make_elist(lexpr, NULL)));
+ * List of available functions:
+ * - fname: function name
+ * - nargs: number of arguments
+ *          -1 is a special value for min & max meaning #args >= 1
+ * - tag: function identifier from PgBenchFunction enum
+ */
+static struct
+	char * fname;
+	int nargs;
+	PgBenchFunction tag;
+	/* parsed as operators, executed as functions */
+	{ "+", 2, PGBENCH_ADD },
+	{ "-", 2, PGBENCH_SUB },
+	{ "*", 2, PGBENCH_MUL },
+	{ "/", 2, PGBENCH_DIV },
+	{ "%", 2, PGBENCH_MOD },
+	/* actual functions */
+	{ "abs", 1, PGBENCH_ABS },
+	{ "min", -1, PGBENCH_MIN },
+	{ "max", -1, PGBENCH_MAX },
+	{ "debug", 1, PGBENCH_DEBUG },
+	/* keep as last array element */
+	{ NULL, 0, 0 }
+ * Find a function from its name
+ *
+ * return the index of the function from the PGBENCH_FUNCTIONS array
+ * or fail if the function is unknown.
+ */
+static int
+find_func(const char * fname)
+	int i = 0;
+	while (PGBENCH_FUNCTIONS[i].fname)
+	{
+		if (pg_strcasecmp(fname, PGBENCH_FUNCTIONS[i].fname) == 0)
+			return i;
+		i++;
+	}
+	expr_yyerror_more("unexpected function name", fname);
+	/* not reached */
+	return -1;
+/* Expression linked list builder */
+static PgBenchExprList *
+make_elist(PgBenchExpr *expr, PgBenchExprList *list)
+	PgBenchExprLink * cons;
+	if (list == NULL)
+	{
+		list = pg_malloc(sizeof(PgBenchExprList));
+		list->head = NULL;
+		list->tail = NULL;
+	}
+	cons = pg_malloc(sizeof(PgBenchExprLink));
+	cons->expr = expr;
+	cons->next = NULL;
+	if (list->head == NULL)
+		list->head = cons;
+	else
+		list->tail->next = cons;
+	list->tail = cons;
+	return list;
+/* Return the length of an expression list */
+static int
+elist_length(PgBenchExprList *list)
+	PgBenchExprLink *link = list != NULL? list->head: NULL;
+	int len = 0;
+	for (; link != NULL; link = link->next)
+		len++;
+	return len;
+/* Build function call expression */
+static PgBenchExpr *
+make_func(const int fnumber, PgBenchExprList *args)
 	PgBenchExpr *expr = pg_malloc(sizeof(PgBenchExpr));
-	expr->etype = ENODE_OPERATOR;
-	expr->u.operator.operator = operator;
-	expr->u.operator.lexpr = lexpr;
-	expr->u.operator.rexpr = rexpr;
+	Assert(fnumber >= 0);
+	if (PGBENCH_FUNCTIONS[fnumber].nargs >= 0 &&
+		PGBENCH_FUNCTIONS[fnumber].nargs != elist_length(args))
+		expr_yyerror_more("unexpected number of arguments",
+						  PGBENCH_FUNCTIONS[fnumber].fname);
+	/* check at least one arg for min & max */
+	if (PGBENCH_FUNCTIONS[fnumber].nargs == -1 &&
+		elist_length(args) == 0)
+		expr_yyerror_more("at least one argument expected",
+						  PGBENCH_FUNCTIONS[fnumber].fname);
+	expr->etype = ENODE_FUNCTION;
+	expr->u.function.function = PGBENCH_FUNCTIONS[fnumber].tag;
+	/* only the link is used, the head/tail is not useful anymore */
+	expr->u.function.args = args != NULL? args->head: NULL;
+	if (args)
+		pg_free(args);
 	return expr;
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l b/src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l
index f1c4c7e..7e851f0 100644
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ space			[ \t\r\f]
 "%"				{ yycol += yyleng; return '%'; }
 "("				{ yycol += yyleng; return '('; }
 ")"				{ yycol += yyleng; return ')'; }
+","				{ yycol += yyleng; return ','; }
 :[a-zA-Z0-9_]+	{
 					yycol += yyleng;
@@ -57,8 +58,14 @@ space			[ \t\r\f]
 					yylval.ival = strtoint64(yytext);
 					return INTEGER;
+[a-zA-Z0-9_]+   {
+					yycol += yyleng;
+					yylval.str = pg_strdup(yytext);
+					return FUNCTION;
+				}
+[\n]			{ yycol = 0; yyline++; /* never occurs, input on one line */ }
-[\n]			{ yycol = 0; yyline++; }
 {space}+		{ yycol += yyleng; /* ignore */ }
 .				{
@@ -71,10 +78,16 @@ space			[ \t\r\f]
-yyerror(const char *message)
+expr_yyerror_more(const char *message, const char *more)
 	syntax_error(expr_source, expr_lineno, expr_full_line, expr_command,
-				 message, NULL, expr_col + yycol);
+				 message, more, expr_col + yycol);
+yyerror(const char *message)
+	expr_yyerror_more(message, NULL);
@@ -94,6 +107,9 @@ expr_scanner_init(const char *str, const char *source,
 	expr_command = (char *) cmd;
 	expr_col = (int) ecol;
+	/* reset column count for this scan */
+	yycol = 0;
 	 * Might be left over after error
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
index 596d112..57ffd1b 100644
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
@@ -372,6 +372,8 @@ static void doLog(TState *thread, CState *st, instr_time *now,
 	  StatsData *agg, bool skipped, double latency, double lag);
+static bool evaluateExpr(CState *, PgBenchExpr *, int64 *);
 static void
@@ -990,6 +992,150 @@ getQueryParams(CState *st, const Command *command, const char **params)
 		params[i] = getVariable(st, command->argv[i + 1]);
+/* maximum number of function arguments */
+#define MAX_FARGS 16
+ * Recursive evaluation of functions
+ */
+static bool
+evalFunc(CState *st,
+		 PgBenchFunction func, PgBenchExprLink *args, int64 *retval)
+	/* evaluate all function arguments */
+	int nargs = 0;
+	int64 iargs[MAX_FARGS];
+	PgBenchExprLink *l = args;
+	for (nargs = 0; nargs < MAX_FARGS && l != NULL; nargs++, l = l->next)
+		if (!evaluateExpr(st, l->expr, &iargs[nargs]))
+			return false;
+	if (l != NULL)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr,
+				"too many function arguments, maximum is %d\n", MAX_FARGS);
+		return false;
+	}
+	/* then evaluate function */
+	switch (func)
+	{
+		case PGBENCH_ADD:
+		case PGBENCH_SUB:
+		case PGBENCH_MUL:
+		case PGBENCH_DIV:
+		case PGBENCH_MOD:
+		{
+			int64 lval = iargs[0], rval = iargs[1];
+			Assert(nargs == 2);
+			switch (func)
+			{
+			case PGBENCH_ADD:
+				*retval = lval + rval;
+				return true;
+			case PGBENCH_SUB:
+				*retval = lval - rval;
+				return true;
+			case PGBENCH_MUL:
+				*retval = lval * rval;
+				return true;
+			case PGBENCH_DIV:
+			case PGBENCH_MOD:
+				if (rval == 0)
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr, "division by zero\n");
+					return false;
+				}
+				/* special handling of -1 divisor */
+				if (rval == -1)
+				{
+					if (func == PGBENCH_DIV)
+					{
+						/* overflow check (needed for INT64_MIN) */
+						if (lval == PG_INT64_MIN)
+						{
+							fprintf(stderr, "bigint out of range\n");
+							return false;
+						}
+						else
+							*retval = -lval;
+					}
+					else if (func == PGBENCH_MOD)
+						*retval = 0;
+					else
+						/* this cannot happend */
+						Assert(0);
+					return true;
+				}
+				/* divisor is not -1 */
+				if (func == PGBENCH_DIV)
+					*retval = lval / rval;
+				else /* func == PGBENCH_MOD */
+					*retval = lval % rval;
+				return true;
+			default:
+				/* cannot get here */
+				Assert(0);
+			}
+		}
+		case PGBENCH_ABS:
+		{
+			Assert(nargs == 1);
+			if (iargs[0] < 0)
+				*retval = - iargs[0];
+			else
+				*retval = iargs[0];
+			return true;
+		}
+		{
+			Assert(nargs == 1);
+			fprintf(stderr,	"debug(script=%d,command=%d): "INT64_FORMAT"\n",
+					st->use_file, st->state+1, iargs[0]);
+			*retval = iargs[0];
+			return true;
+		}
+		case PGBENCH_MIN:
+		case PGBENCH_MAX:
+		{
+			int64 extremum = iargs[0];
+			int i;
+			Assert(nargs >= 1);
+			for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++)
+			{
+				int64 ival = iargs[i];
+				if (func == PGBENCH_MIN)
+					extremum = extremum < ival? extremum: ival;
+				else if (func == PGBENCH_MAX)
+					extremum = extremum > ival? extremum: ival;
+			}
+			*retval = extremum;
+			return true;
+		}
+		default:
+			fprintf(stderr, "unexpected function tag: %d\n", func);
+			exit(1);
+	}
  * Recursive evaluation of an expression in a pgbench script
  * using the current state of variables.
@@ -1021,86 +1167,16 @@ evaluateExpr(CState *st, PgBenchExpr *expr, int64 *retval)
 				return true;
-			{
-				int64		lval;
-				int64		rval;
-				if (!evaluateExpr(st, expr->u.operator.lexpr, &lval))
-					return false;
-				if (!evaluateExpr(st, expr->u.operator.rexpr, &rval))
-					return false;
-				switch (expr->u.operator.operator)
-				{
-					case '+':
-						*retval = lval + rval;
-						return true;
-					case '-':
-						*retval = lval - rval;
-						return true;
-					case '*':
-						*retval = lval * rval;
-						return true;
-					case '/':
-						if (rval == 0)
-						{
-							fprintf(stderr, "division by zero\n");
-							return false;
-						}
-						/*
-						 * INT64_MIN / -1 is problematic, since the result
-						 * can't be represented on a two's-complement machine.
-						 * Some machines produce INT64_MIN, some produce zero,
-						 * some throw an exception. We can dodge the problem
-						 * by recognizing that division by -1 is the same as
-						 * negation.
-						 */
-						if (rval == -1)
-						{
-							*retval = -lval;
-							/* overflow check (needed for INT64_MIN) */
-							if (lval == PG_INT64_MIN)
-							{
-								fprintf(stderr, "bigint out of range\n");
-								return false;
-							}
-						}
-						else
-							*retval = lval / rval;
-						return true;
-					case '%':
-						if (rval == 0)
-						{
-							fprintf(stderr, "division by zero\n");
-							return false;
-						}
-						/*
-						 * Some machines throw a floating-point exception for
-						 * INT64_MIN % -1.  Dodge that problem by noting that
-						 * any value modulo -1 is 0.
-						 */
-						if (rval == -1)
-							*retval = 0;
-						else
-							*retval = lval % rval;
-						return true;
-				}
-				fprintf(stderr, "bad operator\n");
-				return false;
-			}
+				return evalFunc(st,
+								expr->u.function.function,
+								expr->u.function.args,
+								retval);
-			break;
+			fprintf(stderr, "unexpected enode type in evaluation: %d\n",
+					expr->etype);
+			exit(1);
 	fprintf(stderr, "bad expression\n");
@@ -1710,6 +1786,7 @@ top:
 				return true;
 			sprintf(res, INT64_FORMAT, result);
 			if (!putVariable(st, argv[0], argv[1], res))
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h
index 5bb2480..32ed699 100644
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h
@@ -11,15 +11,39 @@
 #ifndef PGBENCH_H
 #define PGBENCH_H
+/* Types of expression nodes */
 typedef enum PgBenchExprType
 } PgBenchExprType;
+/* List of operators and callable functions */
+typedef enum PgBenchFunction
+} PgBenchFunction;
 typedef struct PgBenchExpr PgBenchExpr;
+typedef struct PgBenchExprLink PgBenchExprLink;
+typedef struct PgBenchExprList PgBenchExprList;
+ * Basic representation of an expression parsed. This can be used as
+ * different things by the parser as defined by PgBenchExprType:
+ * - ENODE_CONSTANT, constant integer or double value
+ * - ENODE_VARIABLE, variable result of \set or \setrandom
+ * - ENODE_FUNCTION, in-core functions and operators
+ */
 struct PgBenchExpr
 	PgBenchExprType etype;
@@ -35,18 +59,31 @@ struct PgBenchExpr
 		}			variable;
-			char		operator;
-			PgBenchExpr *lexpr;
-			PgBenchExpr *rexpr;
-		}			operator;
+			PgBenchFunction function;
+			PgBenchExprLink *args;
+		}			function;
 	}			u;
+/* List of expression nodes */
+struct PgBenchExprLink
+	PgBenchExpr *expr;
+	PgBenchExprLink *next;
+struct PgBenchExprList
+	PgBenchExprLink *head;
+	PgBenchExprLink *tail;
 extern PgBenchExpr *expr_parse_result;
 extern int	expr_yyparse(void);
 extern int	expr_yylex(void);
 extern void expr_yyerror(const char *str);
+extern void expr_yyerror_more(const char *str, const char *more);
 extern void expr_scanner_init(const char *str, const char *source,
 				  const int lineno, const char *line,
 				  const char *cmd, const int ecol);
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