On 17 February 2016 at 02:32, Jim Nasby <jim.na...@bluetreble.com> wrote:
> On 2/11/16 4:21 AM, Dean Rasheed wrote:
>> Thinking about this some more though, perhaps*sorting*  the columns is
>> the wrong way to be thinking about it. Perhaps a better approach would
>> be to allow the columns to be*listed*  (optionally, using a separate
>> query). Something like the following (don't get too hung up on the
>> syntax):
>> SELECT name,
>>         to_char(date, 'Mon') AS month,
>>         sum(amount) AS amount
>>   FROM invoices
>>   GROUP BY 1,2
>>   ORDER BY name
>> \crosstabview cols = (select to_char(d, 'Mon') from
>> generate_series('2000-01-01'::date, '2000-12-01', '1 month') d)
> My concern with that is that often you don't know what the columns will be,
> because you don't know what exact data the query will produce. So to use
> this syntax you'd have to re-create a huge chunk of the original query. :(

Yeah, that's a reasonable concern.

On the flip side, one of the advantages of the above syntax is that
you have absolute control over the columns, whereas with the
sort-based syntax you might find some columns missing (e.g., if there
were no invoices in August) and that could lead to confusion parsing
the results.

I'm not totally opposed to specifying a column sort order in psql, and
perhaps there's a way to support both 'cols' and 'col_order' options
in psql, since there are different situations where one or the other
might be more useful.

What I am opposed to is specifying the row order in psql, because IMO
that's something that should be done entirely in the SQL query.


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