Hello Robert,

Here is a v35 b & c.

This is not acceptable:

+                               /* guess double type (n for "inf",
"-inf" and "nan") */
+                               if (strchr(var, '.') != NULL ||
strchr(var, 'n') != NULL)
+                               {
+                                       double dv;
+                                       sscanf(var, "%lf", &dv);
+                                       setDoubleValue(retval, dv);
+                               }
+                               else
+                                       setIntValue(retval, strtoint64(var));

That totally breaks the error handling which someone carefully established here.

I'm not sure what is "not acceptable" as it "totally breaks the error handling" in the above code.

I assumed that you want to check that sscanf can read what sprintf generated when handling "\set". I'd guess that libc would be broken if it was the case. I've made pgbench check that it is not.

If it was something else, you have to spell it out for me.

Extra space. [...] Another extra space.


-       int                     nargs = 0;
-       int64           iargs[MAX_FARGS];
-       PgBenchExprLink *l = args;
+       int                                     nargs = 0;
+       PgBenchValue            vargs[MAX_FARGS];
+       PgBenchExprLink    *l = args;

Completely unnecessary reindentation of the first and third lines.

It just looked better to me.

+                                       setIntValue(retval, i < 0? -i: i);

Not project style.


Please fix the whitespace damage git diff --check complains about,

"git diff -check" does not seem to complain on the full v35-b.

and check for other places where you haven't followed project style.

I've found some more instances of "& ref".

diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
index cc80b3f..2133bf7 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
@@ -794,9 +794,10 @@ pgbench <optional> <replaceable>options</> </optional> <replaceable>dbname</>
-      Sets variable <replaceable>varname</> to an integer value calculated
+      Sets variable <replaceable>varname</> to a value calculated
       from <replaceable>expression</>.
       The expression may contain integer constants such as <literal>5432</>,
+      double constants such as <literal>3.14159</>,
       references to variables <literal>:</><replaceable>variablename</>,
       and expressions composed of unary (<literal>-</>) or binary operators
       (<literal>+</>, <literal>-</>, <literal>*</>, <literal>/</>,
@@ -809,7 +810,7 @@ pgbench <optional> <replaceable>options</> </optional> <replaceable>dbname</>
 \set ntellers 10 * :scale
-\set aid (1021 * :aid) % (100000 * :scale) + 1
+\set aid (1021 * random(1, 100000 * :scale)) % (100000 * :scale) + 1
@@ -829,66 +830,35 @@ pgbench <optional> <replaceable>options</> </optional> <replaceable>dbname</>
-      By default, or when <literal>uniform</> is specified, all values in the
-      range are drawn with equal probability.  Specifying <literal>gaussian</>
-      or  <literal>exponential</> options modifies this behavior; each
-      requires a mandatory parameter which determines the precise shape of the
-      distribution.
-     </para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+       <listitem>
+        <para>
+         <literal>\setrandom n 1 10</> or <literal>\setrandom n 1 10 uniform</>
+         is equivalent to <literal>\set n random(1, 10)</> and uses a uniform
+         distribution.
+        </para>
+       </listitem>
-     <para>
-      For a Gaussian distribution, the interval is mapped onto a standard
-      normal distribution (the classical bell-shaped Gaussian curve) truncated
-      at <literal>-parameter</> on the left and <literal>+parameter</>
-      on the right.
-      Values in the middle of the interval are more likely to be drawn.
-      To be precise, if <literal>PHI(x)</> is the cumulative distribution
-      function of the standard normal distribution, with mean <literal>mu</>
-      defined as <literal>(max + min) / 2.0</>, with
- f(x) = PHI(2.0 * parameter * (x - mu) / (max - min + 1)) /
-        (2.0 * PHI(parameter) - 1.0)
-      then value <replaceable>i</> between <replaceable>min</> and
-      <replaceable>max</> inclusive is drawn with probability:
-      <literal>f(i + 0.5) - f(i - 0.5)</>.
-      Intuitively, the larger <replaceable>parameter</>, the more
-      frequently values close to the middle of the interval are drawn, and the
-      less frequently values close to the <replaceable>min</> and
-      <replaceable>max</> bounds. About 67% of values are drawn from the
-      middle <literal>1.0 / parameter</>, that is a relative
-      <literal>0.5 / parameter</> around the mean, and 95% in the middle
-      <literal>2.0 / parameter</>, that is a relative
-      <literal>1.0 / parameter</> around the mean; for instance, if
-      <replaceable>parameter</> is 4.0, 67% of values are drawn from the
-      middle quarter (1.0 / 4.0) of the interval (i.e. from
-      <literal>3.0 / 8.0</> to <literal>5.0 / 8.0</>) and 95% from
-      the middle half (<literal>2.0 / 4.0</>) of the interval (second and
-      third quartiles). The minimum <replaceable>parameter</> is 2.0 for
-      performance of the Box-Muller transform.
-     </para>
+      <listitem>
+       <para>
+        <literal>\setrandom n 1 10 exponential 3.0</> is equivalent to
+        <literal>\set n random_exponential(1, 10, 3.0)</> and uses an
+        exponential distribution.
+       </para>
+      </listitem>
-     <para>
-      For an exponential distribution, <replaceable>parameter</>
-      controls the distribution by truncating a quickly-decreasing
-      exponential distribution at <replaceable>parameter</>, and then
-      projecting onto integers between the bounds.
-      To be precise, with
-f(x) = exp(-parameter * (x - min) / (max - min + 1)) / (1.0 - exp(-parameter))
-      Then value <replaceable>i</> between <replaceable>min</> and
-      <replaceable>max</> inclusive is drawn with probability:
-      <literal>f(x) - f(x + 1)</>.
-      Intuitively, the larger <replaceable>parameter</>, the more
-      frequently values close to <replaceable>min</> are accessed, and the
-      less frequently values close to <replaceable>max</> are accessed.
-      The closer to 0 <replaceable>parameter</>, the flatter (more uniform)
-      the access distribution.
-      A crude approximation of the distribution is that the most frequent 1%
-      values in the range, close to <replaceable>min</>, are drawn
-      <replaceable>parameter</>% of the time.
-      <replaceable>parameter</> value must be strictly positive.
+      <listitem>
+       <para>
+        <literal>\setrandom n 1 10 gaussian 2.0</> is equivalent to
+        <literal>\set n random_gaussian(1, 10, 2.0)</>, and uses a gaussian
+        distribution.
+       </para>
+      </listitem>
+     </itemizedlist>
+       See the documentation of these functions below for further information
+       about the precise shape of these distributions, depending on the value
+       of the parameter.
@@ -967,34 +937,6 @@ f(x) = exp(-parameter * (x - min) / (max - min + 1)) / (1.0 - exp(-parameter))
-  <para>
-   As an example, the full definition of the built-in TPC-B-like
-   transaction is:
-\set nbranches :scale
-\set ntellers 10 * :scale
-\set naccounts 100000 * :scale
-\setrandom aid 1 :naccounts
-\setrandom bid 1 :nbranches
-\setrandom tid 1 :ntellers
-\setrandom delta -5000 5000
-UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
-SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
-UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
-UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
-INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
-   This script allows each iteration of the transaction to reference
-   different, randomly-chosen rows.  (This example also shows why it's
-   important for each client session to have its own variables &mdash;
-   otherwise they'd not be independently touching different rows.)
-  </para>
  <refsect2 id="pgbench-builtin-functions">
@@ -1023,7 +965,7 @@ END;
        <entry>same as <replaceable>a</></>
-       <entry>integer value</>
+       <entry>integer or double absolute value</>
@@ -1031,8 +973,22 @@ END;
        <entry>same as <replaceable>a</> </>
        <entry>print to <systemitem>stderr</systemitem> the given argument</>
-       <entry><literal>debug(5432)</></>
-       <entry><literal>5432</></>
+       <entry><literal>debug(5432.1)</></>
+       <entry><literal>5432.1</></>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry><literal><function>double(<replaceable>i</>)</></></>
+       <entry>double</>
+       <entry>cast to double</>
+       <entry><literal>double(5432)</></>
+       <entry><literal>5432.0</></>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry><literal><function>int(<replaceable>x</>)</></></>
+       <entry>integer</>
+       <entry>cast to int</>
+       <entry><literal>int(5.4 + 3.8)</></>
+       <entry><literal>9</></>
        <entry><literal><function>max(<replaceable>i</> [, <replaceable>...</> ] )</></></>
@@ -1048,9 +1004,143 @@ END;
        <entry><literal>min(5, 4, 3, 2)</></>
+      <row>
+       <entry><literal><function>pi()</></></>
+       <entry>double</>
+       <entry>value of the PI constant</>
+       <entry><literal>pi()</></>
+       <entry><literal>3.14159265358979323846</></>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry><literal><function>random(<replaceable>lb</>, <replaceable>ub</>)</></></>
+       <entry>integer</>
+       <entry>uniformly-distributed random integer in <literal>[lb, ub]</></>
+       <entry><literal>random(1, 10)</></>
+       <entry>an integer between <literal>1</> and <literal>10</></>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry><literal><function>random_exponential(<replaceable>lb</>, <replaceable>ub</>, <replaceable>parameter</>)</></></>
+       <entry>integer</>
+       <entry>exponentially-distributed random integer in <literal>[lb, ub]</>,
+              see below</>
+       <entry><literal>random_exponential(1, 10, 3.0)</></>
+       <entry>an integer between <literal>1</> and <literal>10</></>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry><literal><function>random_gaussian(<replaceable>lb</>, <replaceable>ub</>, <replaceable>parameter</>)</></></>
+       <entry>integer</>
+       <entry>gaussian-distributed random integer in <literal>[lb, ub]</>,
+              see below</>
+       <entry><literal>random_gaussian(1, 10, 2.5)</></>
+       <entry>an integer between <literal>1</> and <literal>10</></>
+      </row>
+      <row>
+       <entry><literal><function>sqrt(<replaceable>x</>)</></></>
+       <entry>double</>
+       <entry>square root</>
+       <entry><literal>sqrt(2.0)</></>
+       <entry><literal>1.414213562</></>
+      </row>
+   <para>
+    The <literal>random</> function generates values using a uniform
+    distribution, that is all the values are drawn within the specified
+    range with equal probability. The <literal>random_exponential</> and
+    <literal>random_gaussian</> functions require an additional double
+    parameter which determines the precise shape of the distribution.
+   </para>
+   <itemizedlist>
+    <listitem>
+     <para>
+      For an exponential distribution, <replaceable>parameter</>
+      controls the distribution by truncating a quickly-decreasing
+      exponential distribution at <replaceable>parameter</>, and then
+      projecting onto integers between the bounds.
+      To be precise, with
+f(x) = exp(-parameter * (x - min) / (max - min + 1)) / (1 - exp(-parameter))
+      Then value <replaceable>i</> between <replaceable>min</> and
+      <replaceable>max</> inclusive is drawn with probability:
+      <literal>f(x) - f(x + 1)</>.
+     </para>
+     <para>
+      Intuitively, the larger the <replaceable>parameter</>, the more
+      frequently values close to <replaceable>min</> are accessed, and the
+      less frequently values close to <replaceable>max</> are accessed.
+      The closer to 0 <replaceable>parameter</> is, the flatter (more
+      uniform) the access distribution.
+      A crude approximation of the distribution is that the most frequent 1%
+      values in the range, close to <replaceable>min</>, are drawn
+      <replaceable>parameter</>% of the time.
+      The <replaceable>parameter</> value must be strictly positive.
+     </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+     <para>
+      For a Gaussian distribution, the interval is mapped onto a standard
+      normal distribution (the classical bell-shaped Gaussian curve) truncated
+      at <literal>-parameter</> on the left and <literal>+parameter</>
+      on the right.
+      Values in the middle of the interval are more likely to be drawn.
+      To be precise, if <literal>PHI(x)</> is the cumulative distribution
+      function of the standard normal distribution, with mean <literal>mu</>
+      defined as <literal>(max + min) / 2.0</>, with
+ f(x) = PHI(2.0 * parameter * (x - mu) / (max - min + 1)) /
+        (2.0 * PHI(parameter) - 1)
+      then value <replaceable>i</> between <replaceable>min</> and
+      <replaceable>max</> inclusive is drawn with probability:
+      <literal>f(i + 0.5) - f(i - 0.5)</>.
+      Intuitively, the larger the <replaceable>parameter</>, the more
+      frequently values close to the middle of the interval are drawn, and the
+      less frequently values close to the <replaceable>min</> and
+      <replaceable>max</> bounds. About 67% of values are drawn from the
+      middle <literal>1.0 / parameter</>, that is a relative
+      <literal>0.5 / parameter</> around the mean, and 95% in the middle
+      <literal>2.0 / parameter</>, that is a relative
+      <literal>1.0 / parameter</> around the mean; for instance, if
+      <replaceable>parameter</> is 4.0, 67% of values are drawn from the
+      middle quarter (1.0 / 4.0) of the interval (i.e. from
+      <literal>3.0 / 8.0</> to <literal>5.0 / 8.0</>) and 95% from
+      the middle half (<literal>2.0 / 4.0</>) of the interval (second and third
+      quartiles). The minimum <replaceable>parameter</> is 2.0 for performance
+      of the Box-Muller transform.
+     </para>
+    </listitem>
+   </itemizedlist>
+  <para>
+   As an example, the full definition of the built-in TPC-B-like
+   transaction is:
+\set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
+\set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
+\set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
+\set delta random(-5000, 5000)
+UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
+SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
+UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
+UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
+INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
+   This script allows each iteration of the transaction to reference
+   different, randomly-chosen rows.  (This example also shows why it's
+   important for each client session to have its own variables &mdash;
+   otherwise they'd not be independently touching different rows.)
+  </para>
@@ -1201,13 +1291,10 @@ SQL script 1: &lt;builtin: TPC-B (sort of)&gt;
  - latency average = 15.844 ms
  - latency stddev = 2.715 ms
  - statement latencies in milliseconds:
-        0.004386        \set nbranches 1 * :scale
-        0.001343        \set ntellers 10 * :scale
-        0.001212        \set naccounts 100000 * :scale
-        0.001310        \setrandom aid 1 :naccounts
-        0.001073        \setrandom bid 1 :nbranches
-        0.001005        \setrandom tid 1 :ntellers
-        0.001078        \setrandom delta -5000 5000
+        0.002522        \set aid random(1, 100000 * :scale)
+        0.005459        \set bid random(1, 1 * :scale)
+        0.002348        \set tid random(1, 10 * :scale)
+        0.001078        \set delta random(-5000, 5000)
         0.326152        BEGIN;
         0.603376        UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
         0.454643        SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y b/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y
index cac4d5e..160f959 100644
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/exprparse.y
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ PgBenchExpr *expr_parse_result;
 static PgBenchExprList *make_elist(PgBenchExpr *exp, PgBenchExprList *list);
 static PgBenchExpr *make_integer_constant(int64 ival);
+static PgBenchExpr *make_double_constant(double dval);
 static PgBenchExpr *make_variable(char *varname);
 static PgBenchExpr *make_op(const char *operator, PgBenchExpr *lexpr,
 		PgBenchExpr *rexpr);
@@ -32,6 +33,7 @@ static PgBenchExpr *make_func(const int fnumber, PgBenchExprList *args);
 	int64		ival;
+	double		dval;
 	char	   *str;
 	PgBenchExpr *expr;
 	PgBenchExprList *elist;
@@ -40,9 +42,10 @@ static PgBenchExpr *make_func(const int fnumber, PgBenchExprList *args);
 %type <elist> elist
 %type <expr> expr
 %type <ival> INTEGER function
+%type <dval> DOUBLE
 %token CHAR_ERROR /* never used, will raise a syntax error */
 /* Precedence: lowest to highest */
@@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ expr: '(' expr ')'			{ $$ = $2; }
 	| expr '/' expr			{ $$ = make_op("/", $1, $3); }
 	| expr '%' expr			{ $$ = make_op("%", $1, $3); }
 	| INTEGER				{ $$ = make_integer_constant($1); }
+	| DOUBLE				{ $$ = make_double_constant($1); }
 	| VARIABLE 				{ $$ = make_variable($1); }
 	| function '(' elist ')'{ $$ = make_func($1, $3); }
@@ -82,8 +86,20 @@ make_integer_constant(int64 ival)
 	PgBenchExpr *expr = pg_malloc(sizeof(PgBenchExpr));
-	expr->u.integer_constant.ival = ival;
+	expr->etype = ENODE_CONSTANT;
+	expr->u.constant.type = PGBT_INT;
+	expr->u.constant.u.ival = ival;
+	return expr;
+static PgBenchExpr *
+make_double_constant(double dval)
+	PgBenchExpr *expr = pg_malloc(sizeof(PgBenchExpr));
+	expr->etype = ENODE_CONSTANT;
+	expr->u.constant.type = PGBT_DOUBLE;
+	expr->u.constant.u.dval = dval;
 	return expr;
@@ -128,6 +144,13 @@ static struct
 	{ "min", -1, PGBENCH_MIN },
 	{ "max", -1, PGBENCH_MAX },
 	{ "debug", 1, PGBENCH_DEBUG },
+	{ "pi", 0, PGBENCH_PI },
+	{ "sqrt", 1, PGBENCH_SQRT },
+	{ "int", 1, PGBENCH_INT },
+	{ "double", 1, PGBENCH_DOUBLE },
+	{ "random", 2, PGBENCH_RANDOM },
+	{ "random_gaussian", 3, PGBENCH_RANDOM_GAUSSIAN },
+	{ "random_exponential", 3, PGBENCH_RANDOM_EXPONENTIAL },
 	/* keep as last array element */
 	{ NULL, 0, 0 }
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l b/src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l
index fc7615f..67d95a7 100644
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/exprscan.l
@@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ space			[ \t\r\f]
 					yylval.ival = strtoint64(yytext);
 					return INTEGER;
+{digit}+(\.{digit}*)?([eE][-+]?{digit}+)?	{
+					yycol += yyleng;
+					yylval.dval = atof(yytext);
+					return DOUBLE;
+				}
 {alpha}{alnum}*	{
 					yycol += yyleng;
 					yylval.str = pg_strdup(yytext);
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
index 92df750..6511ceb 100644
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
@@ -321,13 +321,10 @@ static struct
 		"<builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>",
-		"\\set nbranches " CppAsString2(nbranches) " * :scale\n"
-		"\\set ntellers " CppAsString2(ntellers) " * :scale\n"
-		"\\set naccounts " CppAsString2(naccounts) " * :scale\n"
-		"\\setrandom aid 1 :naccounts\n"
-		"\\setrandom bid 1 :nbranches\n"
-		"\\setrandom tid 1 :ntellers\n"
-		"\\setrandom delta -5000 5000\n"
+		"\\set aid random(1, " CppAsString2(naccounts) " * :scale)\n"
+		"\\set bid random(1, " CppAsString2(nbranches) " * :scale)\n"
+		"\\set tid random(1, " CppAsString2(ntellers) " * :scale)\n"
+		"\\set delta random(-5000, 5000)\n"
 		"UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;\n"
 		"SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;\n"
@@ -339,13 +336,10 @@ static struct
 		"<builtin: simple update>",
-		"\\set nbranches " CppAsString2(nbranches) " * :scale\n"
-		"\\set ntellers " CppAsString2(ntellers) " * :scale\n"
-		"\\set naccounts " CppAsString2(naccounts) " * :scale\n"
-		"\\setrandom aid 1 :naccounts\n"
-		"\\setrandom bid 1 :nbranches\n"
-		"\\setrandom tid 1 :ntellers\n"
-		"\\setrandom delta -5000 5000\n"
+		"\\set aid random(1, " CppAsString2(naccounts) " * :scale)\n"
+		"\\set bid random(1, " CppAsString2(nbranches) " * :scale)\n"
+		"\\set tid random(1, " CppAsString2(ntellers) " * :scale)\n"
+		"\\set delta random(-5000, 5000)\n"
 		"UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;\n"
 		"SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;\n"
@@ -355,8 +349,7 @@ static struct
 		"<builtin: select only>",
-		"\\set naccounts " CppAsString2(naccounts) " * :scale\n"
-		"\\setrandom aid 1 :naccounts\n"
+		"\\set aid random(1, " CppAsString2(naccounts) " * :scale)\n"
 		"SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;\n"
@@ -372,7 +365,7 @@ static void doLog(TState *thread, CState *st, instr_time *now,
 	  StatsData *agg, bool skipped, double latency, double lag);
-static bool evaluateExpr(CState *, PgBenchExpr *, int64 *);
+static bool evaluateExpr(TState *, CState *, PgBenchExpr *, PgBenchValue *);
 static void
@@ -528,6 +521,7 @@ getExponentialRand(TState *thread, int64 min, int64 max, double parameter)
+	/* abort if wrong parameter, but must really be checked beforehand */
 	Assert(parameter > 0.0);
 	cut = exp(-parameter);
 	/* erand in [0, 1), uniform in (0, 1] */
@@ -549,6 +543,9 @@ getGaussianRand(TState *thread, int64 min, int64 max, double parameter)
 	double		stdev;
 	double		rand;
+	/* abort if parameter is too low, but must really be checked beforehand */
+	Assert(parameter >= MIN_GAUSSIAN_PARAM);
 	 * Get user specified random number from this loop, with -parameter <
 	 * stdev <= parameter
@@ -992,6 +989,63 @@ getQueryParams(CState *st, const Command *command, const char **params)
 		params[i] = getVariable(st, command->argv[i + 1]);
+/* get a value as an int, tell if there is a problem */
+static bool
+coerceToInt(CState *st, PgBenchValue *pval, int64 *ival)
+	if (pval->type == PGBT_INT)
+	{
+		*ival = pval->u.ival;
+		return true;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		double dval = pval->u.dval;
+		Assert(pval->type == PGBT_DOUBLE);
+		if (dval < INT64_MIN || INT64_MAX < dval)
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr, "double to int overflow for %f\n", dval);
+			st->ecnt++;
+			return false;
+		}
+		*ival = (int64) dval;
+		return true;
+	}
+/* get a value as a double, or tell if there is a problem */
+static bool
+coerceToDouble(CState *st, PgBenchValue *pval, double *dval)
+	if (pval->type == PGBT_DOUBLE)
+	{
+		*dval = pval->u.dval;
+		return true;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		Assert(pval->type == PGBT_INT);
+		*dval = (double) pval->u.ival;
+		return true;
+	}
+/* assign an integer value */
+static void
+setIntValue(PgBenchValue *pv, int64 ival)
+	pv->type = PGBT_INT;
+	pv->u.ival = ival;
+/* assign a double value */
+static void
+setDoubleValue(PgBenchValue *pv, double dval)
+	pv->type = PGBT_DOUBLE;
+	pv->u.dval = dval;
 /* maximum number of function arguments */
 #define MAX_FARGS 16
@@ -999,126 +1053,231 @@ getQueryParams(CState *st, const Command *command, const char **params)
  * Recursive evaluation of functions
 static bool
-evalFunc(CState *st,
-		 PgBenchFunction func, PgBenchExprLink *args, int64 *retval)
+evalFunc(TState *thread, CState *st,
+		 PgBenchFunction func, PgBenchExprLink *args, PgBenchValue *retval)
 	/* evaluate all function arguments */
-	int			nargs = 0;
-	int64		iargs[MAX_FARGS];
+	int	 			nargs = 0;
+	PgBenchValue 	vargs[MAX_FARGS];
 	PgBenchExprLink *l = args;
 	for (nargs = 0; nargs < MAX_FARGS && l != NULL; nargs++, l = l->next)
-		if (!evaluateExpr(st, l->expr, &iargs[nargs]))
+		if (!evaluateExpr(thread, st, l->expr, &vargs[nargs]))
 			return false;
 	if (l != NULL)
 				"too many function arguments, maximum is %d\n", MAX_FARGS);
+		st->ecnt++;
 		return false;
 	/* then evaluate function */
 	switch (func)
+		/* overloaded operators */
 		case PGBENCH_ADD:
 		case PGBENCH_SUB:
 		case PGBENCH_MUL:
 		case PGBENCH_DIV:
 		case PGBENCH_MOD:
-				int64		lval = iargs[0],
-							rval = iargs[1];
+				PgBenchValue	*lval = &vargs[0],
+								*rval = &vargs[1];
 				Assert(nargs == 2);
-				switch (func)
+				/* overloaded type management, double if some double */
+				if ((lval->type == PGBT_DOUBLE ||
+					 rval->type == PGBT_DOUBLE) && func != PGBENCH_MOD)
-					case PGBENCH_ADD:
-						*retval = lval + rval;
-						return true;
-					case PGBENCH_SUB:
-						*retval = lval - rval;
-						return true;
-					case PGBENCH_MUL:
-						*retval = lval * rval;
-						return true;
-					case PGBENCH_DIV:
-					case PGBENCH_MOD:
-						if (rval == 0)
-						{
-							fprintf(stderr, "division by zero\n");
-							return false;
-						}
-						/* special handling of -1 divisor */
-						if (rval == -1)
-						{
-							if (func == PGBENCH_DIV)
+					double ld, rd;
+					if (!coerceToDouble(st, lval, &ld) ||
+						!coerceToDouble(st, rval, &rd))
+						return false;
+					switch (func)
+					{
+						case PGBENCH_ADD:
+							setDoubleValue(retval, ld + rd);
+							return true;
+						case PGBENCH_SUB:
+							setDoubleValue(retval, ld - rd);
+							return true;
+						case PGBENCH_MUL:
+							setDoubleValue(retval, ld * rd);
+							return true;
+						case PGBENCH_DIV:
+							setDoubleValue(retval, ld / rd);
+							return true;
+						default:
+							/* cannot get here */
+							Assert(0);
+					}
+				}
+				else  /* we have integer operands, or % */
+				{
+					int64 li, ri;
+					if (!coerceToInt(st, lval, &li) ||
+						!coerceToInt(st, rval, &ri))
+						return false;
+					switch (func)
+					{
+						case PGBENCH_ADD:
+							setIntValue(retval, li + ri);
+							return true;
+						case PGBENCH_SUB:
+							setIntValue(retval, li - ri);
+							return true;
+						case PGBENCH_MUL:
+							setIntValue(retval, li * ri);
+							return true;
+						case PGBENCH_DIV:
+						case PGBENCH_MOD:
+							if (ri == 0)
+							{
+								fprintf(stderr, "division by zero\n");
+								st->ecnt++;
+								return false;
+							}
+							/* special handling of -1 divisor */
+							if (ri == -1)
-								/* overflow check (needed for INT64_MIN) */
-								if (lval == PG_INT64_MIN)
+								if (func == PGBENCH_DIV)
-									fprintf(stderr, "bigint out of range\n");
-									return false;
+									/* overflow check (needed for INT64_MIN) */
+									if (li == PG_INT64_MIN)
+									{
+										fprintf(stderr, "bigint out of range\n");
+										st->ecnt++;
+										return false;
+									}
+									else
+										setIntValue(retval, - li);
-									*retval = -lval;
+									setIntValue(retval, 0);
+								return true;
-							else
-								*retval = 0;
+							/* else divisor is not -1 */
+							if (func == PGBENCH_DIV)
+								setIntValue(retval, li / ri);
+							else /* func == PGBENCH_MOD */
+								setIntValue(retval, li % ri);
 							return true;
-						}
-						/* divisor is not -1 */
-						if (func == PGBENCH_DIV)
-							*retval = lval / rval;
-						else	/* func == PGBENCH_MOD */
-							*retval = lval % rval;
-						return true;
-					default:
-						/* cannot get here */
-						Assert(0);
+						default:
+							/* cannot get here */
+							Assert(0);
+					}
+		/* no arguments */
+		case PGBENCH_PI:
+			setDoubleValue(retval, M_PI);
+			return true;
+		/* 1 overloaded argument */
 		case PGBENCH_ABS:
+				PgBenchValue *varg = &vargs[0];
 				Assert(nargs == 1);
-				if (iargs[0] < 0)
-					*retval = -iargs[0];
+				if (varg->type == PGBT_INT)
+				{
+					int64 i = varg->u.ival;
+					setIntValue(retval, i < 0 ? -i : i);
+				}
-					*retval = iargs[0];
+				{
+					double d = varg->u.dval;
+					Assert(varg->type == PGBT_DOUBLE);
+					setDoubleValue(retval, d < 0.0 ? -d: d);
+				}
 				return true;
+				PgBenchValue *varg = &vargs[0];
 				Assert(nargs == 1);
-				fprintf(stderr, "debug(script=%d,command=%d): " INT64_FORMAT "\n",
-						st->use_file, st->state + 1, iargs[0]);
+				fprintf(stderr,	"debug(script=%d,command=%d): ",
+						st->use_file, st->state+1);
-				*retval = iargs[0];
+				if (varg->type == PGBT_INT)
+					fprintf(stderr,	"int "INT64_FORMAT"\n", varg->u.ival);
+				else
+				{
+					Assert(varg->type == PGBT_DOUBLE);
+					fprintf(stderr, "double %f\n", varg->u.dval);
+				}
+				*retval = *varg;
+				return true;
+			}
+		/* 1 double argument */
+			{
+				double dval;
+				Assert(nargs == 1);
+				if (!coerceToDouble(st, &vargs[0], &dval))
+					return false;
+				if (func == PGBENCH_SQRT)
+					dval = sqrt(dval);
+				setDoubleValue(retval, dval);
+				return true;
+			}
+		/* 1 int argument */
+		case PGBENCH_INT:
+			{
+				int64 ival;
+				Assert(nargs == 1);
+				if (!coerceToInt(st, &vargs[0], &ival))
+					return false;
+				setIntValue(retval, ival);
 				return true;
+		/* variable number of int arguments */
 		case PGBENCH_MIN:
 		case PGBENCH_MAX:
-				int64		extremum = iargs[0];
+				int64		extremum;
 				int			i;
 				Assert(nargs >= 1);
+				if (!coerceToInt(st, &vargs[0], &extremum))
+					return false;
 				for (i = 1; i < nargs; i++)
-					int64		ival = iargs[i];
+					int64		ival;
+					if (!coerceToInt(st, &vargs[i], &ival))
+						return false;
 					if (func == PGBENCH_MIN)
 						extremum = extremum < ival ? extremum : ival;
@@ -1126,13 +1285,88 @@ evalFunc(CState *st,
 						extremum = extremum > ival ? extremum : ival;
-				*retval = extremum;
+				setIntValue(retval, extremum);
 				return true;
+		/* random functions */
+		{
+			int64       imin, imax;
+			Assert(nargs >= 2);
+			if (!coerceToInt(st, &vargs[0], &imin) ||
+				!coerceToInt(st, &vargs[1], &imax))
+				return false;
+			/* check random range */
+			if (imin > imax)
+			{
+				fprintf(stderr, "empty range given to random\n");
+				st->ecnt++;
+				return false;
+			}
+			else if (imax - imin < 0 || (imax - imin) + 1 < 0)
+			{
+				/* prevent int overflows in random functions */
+				fprintf(stderr, "random range is too large\n");
+				st->ecnt++;
+				return false;
+			}
+			if (func == PGBENCH_RANDOM)
+			{
+				Assert(nargs == 2);
+				setIntValue(retval, getrand(thread, imin, imax));
+			}
+			else /* gaussian & exponential */
+			{
+				double param;
+				Assert(nargs == 3);
+				if (!coerceToDouble(st, &vargs[2], &param))
+					return false;
+				{
+					if (param < MIN_GAUSSIAN_PARAM)
+					{
+						fprintf(stderr,
+								"gaussian parameter must be at least %f "
+								"(not %f)\n", MIN_GAUSSIAN_PARAM, param);
+						st->ecnt++;
+						return false;
+					}
+					setIntValue(retval,
+								getGaussianRand(thread, imin, imax,	param));
+				}
+				else /* exponential */
+				{
+					if (param <= 0.0)
+					{
+						fprintf(stderr,
+								"exponential parameter must be greater than zero"
+								" (got %f)\n", param);
+						st->ecnt++;
+						return false;
+					}
+					setIntValue(retval,
+								getExponentialRand(thread, imin, imax, param));
+				}
+			}
+			return true;
+		}
-			fprintf(stderr, "unexpected function tag: %d\n", func);
-			exit(1);
+			/* cannot get here */
+			Assert(0);
+			/* dead code to avoid a compiler warning */
+			return false;
@@ -1143,13 +1377,13 @@ evalFunc(CState *st,
  * the value itself is returned through the retval pointer.
 static bool
-evaluateExpr(CState *st, PgBenchExpr *expr, int64 *retval)
+evaluateExpr(TState *thread, CState *st, PgBenchExpr *expr, PgBenchValue *retval)
 	switch (expr->etype)
-				*retval = expr->u.integer_constant.ival;
+				*retval = expr->u.constant;
 				return true;
@@ -1161,26 +1395,39 @@ evaluateExpr(CState *st, PgBenchExpr *expr, int64 *retval)
 					fprintf(stderr, "undefined variable \"%s\"\n",
+					st->ecnt++;
 					return false;
-				*retval = strtoint64(var);
+				/* guess double type ('n' for "inf", "-inf" and "nan") */
+				if (strchr(var, '.') != NULL ||	strchr(var, 'n') != NULL)
+				{
+					double dv;
+					if (sscanf(var, "%lf", &dv) != 1)
+					{
+						st->ecnt++;
+						return false;
+					}
+					setDoubleValue(retval, dv);
+				}
+				else
+					setIntValue(retval, strtoint64(var));
 				return true;
-			return evalFunc(st,
+			return evalFunc(thread, st,
+			/* internal error which should never occur */
 			fprintf(stderr, "unexpected enode type in evaluation: %d\n",
-	fprintf(stderr, "bad expression\n");
-	return false;
@@ -1638,6 +1885,10 @@ top:
 			fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+		/*
+		 * Note: this section could be removed, as the same functionnality
+		 * is available through \set xxx random_gaussian(...)
+		 */
 		if (pg_strcasecmp(argv[0], "setrandom") == 0)
 			char	   *var;
@@ -1779,15 +2030,21 @@ top:
 			char		res[64];
 			PgBenchExpr *expr = commands[st->state]->expr;
-			int64		result;
+			PgBenchValue	result;
-			if (!evaluateExpr(st, expr, &result))
+			if (!evaluateExpr(thread, st, expr, &result))
 				return true;
-			sprintf(res, INT64_FORMAT, result);
+			if (result.type == PGBT_INT)
+				sprintf(res, INT64_FORMAT, result.u.ival);
+			else
+			{
+				Assert(result.type == PGBT_DOUBLE);
+				sprintf(res, "%.18e", result.u.dval);
+			}
 			if (!putVariable(st, argv[0], argv[1], res))
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h
index c6aeb5b..a1af904 100644
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.h
@@ -11,10 +11,31 @@
 #ifndef PGBENCH_H
 #define PGBENCH_H
+ * Variable types used in parser.
+ */
+typedef enum
+	/* add other types here */
+} PgBenchValueType;
+typedef struct
+	PgBenchValueType type;
+	union
+	{
+		int64 ival;
+		double dval;
+		/* add other types here */
+	} u;
+} PgBenchValue;
 /* Types of expression nodes */
 typedef enum PgBenchExprType
 } PgBenchExprType;
@@ -31,6 +52,13 @@ typedef enum PgBenchFunction
 } PgBenchFunction;
 typedef struct PgBenchExpr PgBenchExpr;
@@ -42,10 +70,7 @@ struct PgBenchExpr
 	PgBenchExprType etype;
-		struct
-		{
-			int64		ival;
-		}			integer_constant;
+		PgBenchValue	constant;
 			char	   *varname;
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
index 2133bf7..868e09f 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/ref/pgbench.sgml
@@ -817,60 +817,6 @@ pgbench <optional> <replaceable>options</> </optional> <replaceable>dbname</>
-     <literal>\setrandom <replaceable>varname</> <replaceable>min</> <replaceable>max</> [ uniform | { gaussian | exponential } <replaceable>parameter</> ]</literal>
-     </term>
-    <listitem>
-     <para>
-      Sets variable <replaceable>varname</> to a random integer value
-      between the limits <replaceable>min</> and <replaceable>max</> inclusive.
-      Each limit can be either an integer constant or a
-      <literal>:</><replaceable>variablename</> reference to a variable
-      having an integer value.
-     </para>
-     <para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-       <listitem>
-        <para>
-         <literal>\setrandom n 1 10</> or <literal>\setrandom n 1 10 uniform</>
-         is equivalent to <literal>\set n random(1, 10)</> and uses a uniform
-         distribution.
-        </para>
-       </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>
-        <literal>\setrandom n 1 10 exponential 3.0</> is equivalent to
-        <literal>\set n random_exponential(1, 10, 3.0)</> and uses an
-        exponential distribution.
-       </para>
-      </listitem>
-      <listitem>
-       <para>
-        <literal>\setrandom n 1 10 gaussian 2.0</> is equivalent to
-        <literal>\set n random_gaussian(1, 10, 2.0)</>, and uses a gaussian
-        distribution.
-       </para>
-      </listitem>
-     </itemizedlist>
-       See the documentation of these functions below for further information
-       about the precise shape of these distributions, depending on the value
-       of the parameter.
-     </para>
-     <para>
-      Example:
-\setrandom aid 1 :naccounts gaussian 5.0
-    </listitem>
-   </varlistentry>
-   <varlistentry>
-    <term>
      <literal>\sleep <replaceable>number</> [ us | ms | s ]</literal>
diff --git a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
index 6511ceb..064c796 100644
--- a/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
+++ b/src/bin/pgbench/pgbench.c
@@ -1885,148 +1885,7 @@ top:
 			fprintf(stderr, "\n");
-		/*
-		 * Note: this section could be removed, as the same functionnality
-		 * is available through \set xxx random_gaussian(...)
-		 */
-		if (pg_strcasecmp(argv[0], "setrandom") == 0)
-		{
-			char	   *var;
-			int64		min,
-						max;
-			double		parameter = 0;
-			char		res[64];
-			if (*argv[2] == ':')
-			{
-				if ((var = getVariable(st, argv[2] + 1)) == NULL)
-				{
-					fprintf(stderr, "%s: undefined variable \"%s\"\n",
-							argv[0], argv[2]);
-					st->ecnt++;
-					return true;
-				}
-				min = strtoint64(var);
-			}
-			else
-				min = strtoint64(argv[2]);
-			if (*argv[3] == ':')
-			{
-				if ((var = getVariable(st, argv[3] + 1)) == NULL)
-				{
-					fprintf(stderr, "%s: undefined variable \"%s\"\n",
-							argv[0], argv[3]);
-					st->ecnt++;
-					return true;
-				}
-				max = strtoint64(var);
-			}
-			else
-				max = strtoint64(argv[3]);
-			if (max < min)
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: \\setrandom maximum is less than minimum\n",
-						argv[0]);
-				st->ecnt++;
-				return true;
-			}
-			/*
-			 * Generate random number functions need to be able to subtract
-			 * max from min and add one to the result without overflowing.
-			 * Since we know max > min, we can detect overflow just by
-			 * checking for a negative result. But we must check both that the
-			 * subtraction doesn't overflow, and that adding one to the result
-			 * doesn't overflow either.
-			 */
-			if (max - min < 0 || (max - min) + 1 < 0)
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: \\setrandom range is too large\n",
-						argv[0]);
-				st->ecnt++;
-				return true;
-			}
-			if (argc == 4 ||	/* uniform without or with "uniform" keyword */
-				(argc == 5 && pg_strcasecmp(argv[4], "uniform") == 0))
-			{
-#ifdef DEBUG
-				printf("min: " INT64_FORMAT " max: " INT64_FORMAT " random: " INT64_FORMAT "\n", min, max, getrand(thread, min, max));
-				snprintf(res, sizeof(res), INT64_FORMAT, getrand(thread, min, max));
-			}
-			else if (argc == 6 &&
-					 ((pg_strcasecmp(argv[4], "gaussian") == 0) ||
-					  (pg_strcasecmp(argv[4], "exponential") == 0)))
-			{
-				if (*argv[5] == ':')
-				{
-					if ((var = getVariable(st, argv[5] + 1)) == NULL)
-					{
-						fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid parameter: \"%s\"\n",
-								argv[0], argv[5]);
-						st->ecnt++;
-						return true;
-					}
-					parameter = strtod(var, NULL);
-				}
-				else
-					parameter = strtod(argv[5], NULL);
-				if (pg_strcasecmp(argv[4], "gaussian") == 0)
-				{
-					if (parameter < MIN_GAUSSIAN_PARAM)
-					{
-						fprintf(stderr, "gaussian parameter must be at least %f (not \"%s\")\n", MIN_GAUSSIAN_PARAM, argv[5]);
-						st->ecnt++;
-						return true;
-					}
-#ifdef DEBUG
-					printf("min: " INT64_FORMAT " max: " INT64_FORMAT " random: " INT64_FORMAT "\n",
-						   min, max,
-						   getGaussianRand(thread, min, max, parameter));
-					snprintf(res, sizeof(res), INT64_FORMAT,
-							 getGaussianRand(thread, min, max, parameter));
-				}
-				else if (pg_strcasecmp(argv[4], "exponential") == 0)
-				{
-					if (parameter <= 0.0)
-					{
-						fprintf(stderr,
-								"exponential parameter must be greater than zero (not \"%s\")\n",
-								argv[5]);
-						st->ecnt++;
-						return true;
-					}
-#ifdef DEBUG
-					printf("min: " INT64_FORMAT " max: " INT64_FORMAT " random: " INT64_FORMAT "\n",
-						   min, max,
-						   getExponentialRand(thread, min, max, parameter));
-					snprintf(res, sizeof(res), INT64_FORMAT,
-							 getExponentialRand(thread, min, max, parameter));
-				}
-			}
-			else	/* this means an error somewhere in the parsing phase... */
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid arguments for \\setrandom\n",
-						argv[0]);
-				st->ecnt++;
-				return true;
-			}
-			if (!putVariable(st, argv[0], argv[1], res))
-			{
-				st->ecnt++;
-				return true;
-			}
-			st->listen = true;
-		}
-		else if (pg_strcasecmp(argv[0], "set") == 0)
+		if (pg_strcasecmp(argv[0], "set") == 0)
 			char		res[64];
 			PgBenchExpr *expr = commands[st->state]->expr;
@@ -2677,49 +2536,9 @@ process_commands(char *buf, const char *source, const int lineno)
 		if (pg_strcasecmp(my_commands->argv[0], "setrandom") == 0)
-			/*--------
-			 * parsing:
-			 *	 \setrandom variable min max [uniform]
-			 *	 \setrandom variable min max (gaussian|exponential) parameter
-			 */
-			if (my_commands->argc < 4)
-			{
-				syntax_error(source, lineno, my_commands->line, my_commands->argv[0],
-							 "missing arguments", NULL, -1);
-			}
-			/* argc >= 4 */
-			if (my_commands->argc == 4 ||		/* uniform without/with
-												 * "uniform" keyword */
-				(my_commands->argc == 5 &&
-				 pg_strcasecmp(my_commands->argv[4], "uniform") == 0))
-			{
-				/* nothing to do */
-			}
-			else if (			/* argc >= 5 */
-					 (pg_strcasecmp(my_commands->argv[4], "gaussian") == 0) ||
-				   (pg_strcasecmp(my_commands->argv[4], "exponential") == 0))
-			{
-				if (my_commands->argc < 6)
-				{
-					syntax_error(source, lineno, my_commands->line, my_commands->argv[0],
-							  "missing parameter", my_commands->argv[4], -1);
-				}
-				else if (my_commands->argc > 6)
-				{
-					syntax_error(source, lineno, my_commands->line, my_commands->argv[0],
-								 "too many arguments", my_commands->argv[4],
-								 my_commands->cols[6]);
-				}
-			}
-			else	/* cannot parse, unexpected arguments */
-			{
-				syntax_error(source, lineno, my_commands->line, my_commands->argv[0],
-							 "unexpected argument", my_commands->argv[4],
-							 my_commands->cols[4]);
-			}
+			syntax_error(source, lineno, my_commands->line, my_commands->argv[0],
+						 "\\setrandom is not supported anymore, "
+						 "use \\set with the random() function\n", NULL, -1);
 		else if (pg_strcasecmp(my_commands->argv[0], "set") == 0)
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