konstantin knizhnik <k.knizh...@postgrespro.ru> writes:
> But right now the rule for cost estimation makes it not possible to apply 
> this optimization for simple expressions like this: ...
> I wonder is there any advantages of earlier evaluation of such simple 
> expressions if them are not needed for sort?

Well, as I said, my patch was intentionally written to be conservative
about when to change the semantics from what it's been for the last
twenty years.  I think there's a good argument for changing it for
volatile functions, but I'm less convinced that we should whack around
what happens in cases where there is not a clear benefit.  It's fairly
likely that there are users out there who have (perhaps without even
knowing it) optimized their queries to work well with eval-before-sort
behavior, perhaps by applying data-narrowing functions.  They won't
thank us for changing the behavior "just because".

If we had a more reliable idea of whether we are widening or narrowing
the sort data by postponing eval, I'd be willing to be more aggressive
about doing it.  But without that, I think it's best to be conservative
and only change when there's a pretty clear potential benefit.

> Also I do not completely understand your concern about windows functions.

The point is just that we have to not disassemble WindowFunc nodes when
building the sort-input tlist, in the same way that we don't disassemble
Aggref nodes.  If we are sorting the output of a WindowAgg, the WindowFunc
expressions have to appear as expressions in the WindowAgg's output tlist.

>> I think it's probably also broken for SRFs in the tlist; we need to work
>> out what semantics we want for those.  If we postpone any SRF to after
>> the Sort, we can no longer assume that a query LIMIT enables use of
>> bounded sort (because the SRF might repeatedly return zero rows).
>> I don't have a huge problem with that, but I think now would be a good
>> time to nail down some semantics.

As far as that goes, it seems to me after thinking about it that
non-sort-column tlist items containing SRFs should always be postponed,
too.  Performing a SRF before sorting bloats the sort data vertically,
rather than horizontally, but it's still bloat.  (Although as against
that, when you have ORDER BY + LIMIT, postponing SRFs loses the ability
to use a bounded sort.)  The killer point though is that unless the sort
is stable, it might cause surprising changes in the order of the SRF
output values.  Our sorts aren't stable; here's an example in HEAD:

# select q1, generate_series(1,9) from int8_tbl order by q1 limit 7;
 q1  | generate_series 
 123 |               2
 123 |               3
 123 |               4
 123 |               5
 123 |               6
 123 |               7
 123 |               1
(7 rows)

I think that's pretty surprising, and if we have an opportunity to
provide more intuitive semantics here, we should do it.

                        regards, tom lane

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