
I've looked at this patch today, mostly to educate myself, so this
probably should not count as a full review. Anyway, the patch seems in
excellent shape - it'd be great if all patches (including those written
by me) had this level of comments/docs.

On Mon, 2016-02-29 at 16:09 -0800, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> I was assigned an "action point" during the FOSDEM developer meeting:
> "Post new version of btree consistency checker patch". I attach a new
> WIP version of my consistency checker tool, amcheck.


> To recap, the extension adds some SQL-callable functions that verify
> certain invariant conditions hold within some particular B-Tree index.
> These are the conditions that index scans rely on always being true.
> The tool's scope may eventually cover other AMs, including heapam, but
> nbtree seems like the best place to start.
> Note that no function currently checks that the index is consistent
> with the heap, which would be very useful (that's probably how I'd
> eventually target the heapam, actually).

I'm afraid I don't understand what "target the heapam" means. Could you

> Invariants
> ========
> Obviously, this tool is all about distrusting the structure of a
> B-Tree index. That being the case, it's not always totally clear where
> to draw the line. I think I have the balance about right, though.

I agree. It'd be nice to have a tool that also checks for data
corruption the a lower level (e.g. that varlena headers are not
corrupted etc.) but that seems like a task for some other tool.

> Interface
> =======
> There are only 2 SQL callable functions in the extension, which are
> very similar:
> bt_index_check(index regclass)
> bt_index_parent_check(index regclass)

Can we come up with names that more clearly identify the difference
between those two functions? I mean, _parent_ does not make it
particularly obvious that the second function acquires exclusive lock
and performs more thorough checks.

This also applies to the name of the contrib module - it's not
particularly obvious what "amcheck" unless you're familiar with the
concept of access methods. Which is quite unlikely for regular users.
Maybe something like "check_index" would be more illustrative?

> Locking
> ======
> We do, on the other hand, have a detailed rationale for why it's okay
> that we don't have an ExclusiveLock on the index relation for checks
> that span the key space of more than one page by following right links
> to compare items across sibling pages. This isn't the same thing as
> having an explicit interlock like a pin -- our interlock is one
> against *recycling* by vacuum, which is based on recentGlobalXmin.
> This rationale requires expert review.

Well, I wouldn't count myself as an expert here, but do we actually need
such protection? I mean, we only do such checks when holding an
exclusive lock on the parent relation, no? And even if we don't vacuum
can only remove entries from the pages - why should that cause
violations of any invariants?

A few minor comments:

1) This should probably say "one block per level":

 * A B-Tree cannot possibly have this many levels, since there must be 
 * one block per page, and that is bound by the range of BlockNumber:

2) comment before bt_check_every_level() says:

   ... assumed to prevent any kind of physically modification ...

   probably should be "physical modification" instead.

3) s/targecontext/targetcontext/ in BtreeCheckState comment


Tomas Vondra                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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