On Sat, Mar 12, 2016 at 2:53 PM, Peter Geoghegan <p...@heroku.com> wrote:
> I said "basically uncontroversial", not "uncontroversial". That is a
> perfectly accurate characterization of the patch, and if you disagree
> than I suggest you re-read the thread.

In particular, note that Alvaro eventually sided with me against the
thing that Heikki argued for:


Describing what happened that way is unfair on Heikki, because I don't
think he was at all firm in what he said about making the new
instead of throwing an error on conflict". We were working through the
design, and it didn't actually come to any kind of impasse.

It's surprising and disappointing to me that this supposed
disagreement has been blown out of all proportion.

Peter Geoghegan

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