On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 6:57 AM, Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> wrote:
> While benchmarking on hydra
> (c.f. 
> http://archives.postgresql.org/message-id/20160406104352.5bn3ehkcsceja65c%40alap3.anarazel.de),
> which has quite slow IO, I was once more annoyed by how incredibly long
> the vacuum at the the end of a pgbench -i takes.
> The issue is that, even for an entirely shared_buffers resident scale,
> essentially no data is cached in shared buffers. The COPY to load data
> uses a 16MB ringbuffer. Then vacuum uses a 256KB ringbuffer. Which means
> that copy immediately writes and evicts all data. Then vacuum reads &
> writes the data in small chunks; again evicting nearly all buffers. Then
> the creation of the ringbuffer has to read that data *again*.
> That's fairly idiotic.
> While it's not easy to fix this in the general case, we introduced those
> ringbuffers for a reason after all, I think we at least should add a
> special case for loads where shared_buffers isn't fully used yet.  Why
> not skip using buffers from the ringbuffer if there's buffers on the
> freelist? If we add buffers gathered from there to the ringlist, we
> should have few cases that regress.

That does not seem like a good idea from here.  One of the ideas I
still want to explore at some point is having a background process
identify the buffers that are just about to be evicted and stick them
on the freelist so that the backends don't have to run the clock sweep
themselves on a potentially huge number of buffers, at perhaps
substantial CPU cost.  Amit's last attempt at this didn't really pan
out, but I'm not convinced that the approach is without merit.

And, on the other hand, if we don't do something like that, it will be
quite an exceptional case to find anything on the free list.  Doing it
just to speed up developer benchmarking runs seems like the wrong

> Additionally, maybe we ought to increase the ringbuffer sizes again one
> of these days? 256kb for VACUUM is pretty damn low.

But all that does is force the backend to write to the operating
system, which is where the real buffering happens.  The bottom line
here, IMHO, is not that there's anything wrong with our ring buffer
implementation, but that if you run PostgreSQL on a system where the
I/O is hitting a 5.25" floppy (not to say 8") the performance may be
less than ideal.  I really appreciate IBM donating hydra - it's been
invaluable over the years for improving PostgreSQL performance - but I
sure wish they had donated a better I/O subsystem.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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