On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Alvaro Herrera
<alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Kevin Grittner wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com> 
>> wrote:
>> > We actually go quite some lengths to support this case, even when it's
>> > the opinion of many that we shouldn't.  For example VACUUM doesn't try
>> > to find index entries using the values in each deleted tuple; instead we
>> > remember the TIDs and then scan the indexes (possibly many times) to
>> > find entries that match those TIDs -- which is much slower.  Yet we do
>> > it this way to protect the case that somebody is doing the
>> > not-really-IMMUTABLE function.
>> >
>> > In other words, I don't think we consider the position you argued as
>> > acceptable.
>> What are you saying is unacceptable, and what behavior would be
>> acceptable instead?
> The answer "we don't support the situation where you have an index using
> an IMMUTABLE function that isn't actually immutable" is not acceptable.
> The acceptable solution would be a design that doesn't have that
> property as a requisite.
> I think having various executor(/heapam) checks that raise errors when
> queries are executed from within ANALYZE is acceptable.

Here is an example of a test case showing that:

-- connection 1
drop table if exists t1;
create table t1 (c1 int not null);
drop table if exists t2;
create table t2 (c1 int not null);
insert into t1 select generate_series(1, 10000);
drop function mysq(i int);
create function mysq(i int)
  returns int
  language plpgsql
as $mysq$
  return (i * (select c1 from t2));
insert into t2 values (1);
create index t1_c1sq on t1 ((mysq(c1)));
begin transaction isolation level repeatable read;
select 1;

-- connection 2
vacuum analyze verbose t1;
delete from t1 where c1 between 1000 and 1999;
delete from t1 where c1 = 8000;
update t2 set c1 = 1;

-- connection 1
analyze verbose t1;  -- when run after threshold, STO error occurs

The tail end of that, running the analyze once immediately and once
after the threshold is:

test=# -- connection 1
test=# analyze verbose t1;  -- when run after threshold, STO error occurs
INFO:  analyzing "public.t1"
INFO:  "t1": scanned 45 of 45 pages, containing 8999 live rows and
1001 dead rows; 8999 rows in sample, 8999 estimated total rows
test=# -- connection 1
analyze verbose t1;  -- when run after threshold, STO error occurs
INFO:  analyzing "public.t1"
INFO:  "t1": scanned 45 of 45 pages, containing 8999 live rows and
1001 dead rows; 8999 rows in sample, 8999 estimated total rows
ERROR:  snapshot too old
CONTEXT:  SQL statement "SELECT (i * (select c1 from t2))"
PL/pgSQL function mysq(integer) line 3 at RETURN

Is there some other behavior which would be preferred?

Kevin Grittner
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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