Craig Ringer <> writes:
> On 4 July 2016 at 17:33, Krzysztof Kaczkowski <> wrote:
>> We know that standard PostgreSQL is not able to use cluster created on
>> different OS. We think that recompilation PostgreSQL with some specific
>> flags. This should give us compatibility of cluster on different Systems.
>> We see a small differences in cluster files on binary level. Can You help
>> us pick proper compilation flags?

> I wouldn't recommend that, and it might be pretty tricky.

Indeed.  Aside from architectural differences, I'd be very afraid of
differences in collation order (resulting in incompatible indexes on
textual columns).  You might be able to make it work if you only ever
use "C" locale.  But really, this is not and will never be considered
supported usage, and if it fails, no one is going to say anything
except "we warned you not to do that".

                        regards, tom lane

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