On 15/07/2016 09:28, Craig Ringer wrote:
I don't think anyone's considering moving from multi-processing to multi-threading in PostgreSQL. I really, really like the protection that the shared-nothing-by-default process model gives us, among other things.

As I understand it, the main issue is that it is hard to integrate extensions that use heavyweight runtimes and are focussed on isolation within a virtual machine. Its not just

Perhaps it would be possible for the postmaster (or a delegate process) to host such a runtime, and find a way for a user process that wants to use such a runtime to communicate with it, whether by copying function parameters over RPC or by sharing some of its address space explicitly to the runtime to operate on directly.

Such a host delegate process could be explicitly built with multithread support and not 'infect' the rest of the code with its requirements.

Using granular RPC is nice for isolation but I am concerned that the latencies might be high.

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