
> I admit that it is risky, but I think there are things that could be
> done to limit the risk.  I don't believe we can indefinitely continue
> to ignore the potential performance benefits of making a switch like
> this.  Breaking a thirty-year old code base irretrievably would be
> sad, but letting it fade into irrelevance because we're not willing to
> make the architecture changes that are needed to remain relevant would
> be sad, too.

I can add, that nowadays it seems
that the paralleling processing is the only way to scale.
They  can't  wait  that  CPU  Clock  Speeds Increased in in the coming

I understand that use of thread has some difficulties.
I can not understand why use of thread can have disadvantages.
Actually  I  think  that  parallelling  using threads is much easy than
parallelling  using processes.

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