On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 10:19 AM, Greg Stark <st...@mit.edu> wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 4:39 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>>> I wonder whether we could compromise by reducing the minimum "standard
>>> chunk header" to be just a pointer to owning context, with the other
>>> fields becoming specific to particular mcxt implementations.
>> I think that would be worth doing.  It's not perfect, and the extra 8
>> (or 4) bytes per chunk certainly do matter.
> I wonder if we could go further. If we don't imagine having a very
> large number of allocators then we could just ask each one in turn if
> this block is one of theirs and which context it came from. That would
> allow an allocator that just allocated everything in a contiguous
> block to recognize pointers and return the memory context just by the
> range the pointer lies in.
> There could be optimizations like if the leading points point to a
> structure with a decently large magic number then assume it's a valid
> header to avoid the cost of checking with lots of allocators. But I'm
> imagining that the list of allocators in use concurrenlty will be
> fairly small so it might not even be necessary.

Well, if we were going to do this, it would make more sense to have a
central registry of blocks that is shared across all memory context
types, and when you see a pointer you just look it up in the chunk map
and find the containing context that way.  I actually did something
like this when I was working on sb_alloc (see archives); it looked up
whether the chunk was of the new type and, if not, it assumed it came
from aset.c.  To do this, it used a three-level trie (like Google's
tcmalloc based on the pointer address) with, IIRC, some optimizations
for the case where we repeatedly free from the same chunk.  That
slowed down pfree noticeably, though. The problem is that it's pretty
well impossible to do something that is as cheap as fetching a memory
context pointer from the chunk header, chasing a pointer or two from
there, and then jumping.  That's just really cheap.

The test case I used previously was an external sort, which does lots
of retail pfrees.  Now that we've mostly abandoned replacement
selection, there will be many fewer pfrees while building runs, I
think, but still quite a few while merging runs.  Now it might be the
case that if the allocating is fast enough and we save a bunch of
memory, spending a few additional cycles freeing things is no big
deal.  It might also be the case that this is problematic in a few
cases but that we can eliminate those cases.  It's likely to take some
work, though.

Anyway, my point is really that doing what Tom proposes would be a
good first step and probably would not involve much risk.  And with
that change, any new allocator that has some extrinsic way of
determing chunk sizes can save 8 bytes per chunk, which is certainly
meaningful for any context that does lots of allocations.  If somebody
writes a new allocator that has good performance characteristics and
uses 400MB of memory on some test where aset.c would have used 535MB
of memory, and we can compute that with no chunk headers at all would
use only 346MB of memory, then we can talk about how to get there.
Doing things stepwise is good.

One random thought is that we could have a memory allocator altogether
separate from palloc/pfree.  For example, suppose we introduce
qalloc/qfree.  A chunk of memory allocated with qalloc can only be
freed with qfree, not pfree.  In this world, you're completely freed
from the requirement to care about chunk headers in any form.  The
downside, of course, is that you can't let qalloc'd tuples escape into
the executor, say, because it only knows how to pfree things, not how
to qfree things.  But there are plenty of places where you can easily
see that allocations won't escape outside the module where they are
performed; in fact, there are many cases where it would be easy to
pass the memory context *as an argument to the free function* -- which
would presumably be quite advantageous for any allocator that doesn't
store a pointer to the context in the chunk header.  I'm sure there
will be some reluctance to go down these kinds of paths because it is
undeniably convenient from a programmer's perspective to be able to
just say pfree and forget the details, but I believe there will be
some cases - especially for contexts that hold lots of allocations -
where the performance gains from these kinds of techniques are quite
measurable on macrobenchmarks.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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