> Following Uber's case discussion, I found this talk by Alexey Kopytov to be
> really interesting:
>   http://kaamos.me/talks/pgday16/strongmysql/strongmysql.html (online html,
> in Russian)
> I translated it to English:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/t6a15s66jxg50tg/mysqlstrong_pgday16russia.pdf?dl=0
> (pdf)
> The slides deck contains a lot of details. The author claims that during
> recent years, MySQL made a lot of progress in defending and advancing its
> position as a "most popular database for the web", he provides detailed
> reasoning for that, and then concludes that PostgreSQL will need years and
> maybe even decades to close gaps in the certain fields which are very
> sensitive for large companies:
>  - replication
>  - storage engines / compression / direct IO / etc
>  - partitioning,
> etc.
> Of course this information is biased (Alexey works at Percona) but IMO it's
> much more detailed, qualitative and useful analysis compared to the Uber's
> recent article.

Great translation.

BTW, is there any opposite information, i.e. showing the limitation of
MySQL comparing with PostgreSQL? I'm not familiar with MySQL, but
occasionally hearing surprising (as a PostgreSQL user) limitation of
MySQL and wondering if there's any summary of the info.

Best regards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

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