Tatsuo Ishii <is...@postgresql.org>:

> Doesn't this patch break an existing behavior of unnamed statements?
> That is, an unnamed statement shall exist until next parse message
> using unnamed statement received. It is possible to use the same
> unnamed statement multiple times in a transaction.

>Doesn't this patch break an existing behavior of unnamed statements?

As it was expected, the behavior for unnamed statements is broken (some
tests from make check-world fail with segmentation fault).
So some more sophisticated patch is required.

For those who are interested, I've created a Github-Travis mirror that
automatically runs several regression suites for the given postgresql
patch: https://github.com/vlsi/postgres
I think it will simplify running regression tests for postgresql patches
against multiple suites.

Current tests include: make check, make check-world, and pgjdbc test suite
(except XA and SSL).

For instance, here's the link to my patch
Feel free to file PRs for travis branch of https://github.com/vlsi/postgres so
the patch gets tested.


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