Shay Rojansky <> writes:
> Ah, I understand the proposal better now - you're not proposing encoding a
> new message type in an old one, but rather a magic statement name in Parse
> which triggers an optimized processing path in PostgreSQL, that wouldn't go
> through the query cache etc.

> If so, isn't that what the empty statement is already supposed to do? I
> know there's already some optimizations in place around the scenario of
> empty statement name (and empty portal).

Right, but the problem is that per the current protocol spec, those
optimizations are not allowed to change any protocol-visible behavior.
We might be able to do a bit more optimization than we're doing now, but
we still have to be able to cache the statement in case it's executed more
than once, we still have to do planning in response to a separate 'bind'
message, etc.  AFAICT most of the added overhead comes from having to
allow for the possibility of re-execution: that forces at least one extra
copy of the parse tree to be made, as well as adding manipulations of the
plan cache.  We can't get out from under that without a protocol change.

> Again, if it's possible to make "Parse/Describe/Bind/Execute/Sync" perform
> close to Query, e.g. when specifying empty statement/portal, that's
> obviously the best thing here. But people seem to be suggesting that a
> significant part of the overhead comes from the fact that there are 5
> messages, meaning there's no way to optimize this without a new message
> type.

The rather crude measurements I've done put most of the blame on the
cacheing part, although the number of messages might matter more on
platforms with slow process-title-update support (I'm looking at you,

                        regards, tom lane

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