On 2016/08/10 19:18, Ashutosh Bapat wrote:
> FOR VALUE clause of a partition does not allow a constant expression like
> (10000/5 -1). It gives syntax error
> regression=# create table pt1_p1 partition of pt1 for values start (0) end
> ((10000/5) - 1);
> ERROR:  syntax error at or near "("
> LINE 1: ...pt1_p1 partition of pt1 for values start (0) end ((10000/5) ...
> Shouldn't we allow constant expressions here?
> If this has been already discussed, please forgive me and point out the
> relevant mail chain.

Yes, the only allowed values there are string literals, numeric values and
null.  Decision to change to it followed from this comment:

"Also, I don't think allowing an a_expr as a bound is remotely sensible
- I think you should allow only Sconst, NumericOnly, NULL, and



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