Martin Matusiak kirjutas E, 17.02.2003 kell 16:53:
> Greetings,
> I am doing a project for college developing a java system utilizing a
> RDBMS. The choice is between PostgreSQL and Oracle and I'm wondering
> exactly how impossible would it be to make it compatible with both.
> Postgre is said to be completely ANSI SQL complaint,

PostgreSQL is *much* more ANSI comliant than Oracle.

> is it feasible to imagine one could run dumps from Postgre into Oracle
> and vice versa?

Not all data types are named the same (Oracles varchar is varchar2,

> Alternatively, run separate queries on both to set the structure and
> relations, then transfer only data?

Much more likely to succeed.

You may be interested in OpenACS ( ) project, which
runs on both Oracle and PostgreSQL.


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