Hi all,

The current status summary is:

Needs review: 81
Waiting on author: 35
Ready for Commiter: 12
Commited: 78
Moved to next CF: 1
Rejected: 6
Returned with feedback: 6
TOTAL: 219

The current progress is ~39%. The things moving fast but 27 patches still
with no signed reviewer. So if you have time please consider reviewing at
least one patch. We need your help!


Fabrízio de Royes Mello
Consultoria/Coaching PostgreSQL
>> Timbira: http://www.timbira.com.br
>> Blog: http://fabriziomello.github.io
>> Linkedin: http://br.linkedin.com/in/fabriziomello
>> Twitter: http://twitter.com/fabriziomello
>> Github: http://github.com/fabriziomello

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