On Tue, 4 Mar 2003, Eric D Nielsen wrote:

> The one place I haven't been able to use PostGreSQL to experiment is
> with regards to updateable views.  I've found a few threads in
> -general and -hackers (including one linked from the ToDo list), but
> they all seem to die out without really reaching any sort of
> conclusion.  I've also seen that in many cases it appears possible to
> use triggers/rules to simulate updateable views, but that feels like
> an inelegant solution to me.

At some of the conferences I've been to, updatable/insertable-into views
are a big request. I've looked into the spec, which basically said that
views can be marked updatable/insertable-into if all attributes into the
query expression are updatable/insertable into.

I haven't had time to look into it further, but it occurs to me that
handling views which rely on joins would be far from trivial. (The big
selling point of views, for me, is as a means of tying together objects so
that an application has a simplified interface to application logic).

Anyone else do anything on this?


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