On 10/26/2016 11:33 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 2:22 PM, Joshua D. Drake <j...@commandprompt.com> wrote:
After some further investigation and collaboration with #postgresql it looks
like what we have here is an actual bug or at least improper implementation.
Apparently, we use getpwuid on the euid to locate the 'home directory'. This
is incorrect (as well as inconsistent to our own documentation) [1]. Our
documentation says that dotfiles are ~/.whatever, and ~ on its own in shell
means the value of $HOME, it does NOT mean the current user's homedir from

It is also inconsistent with how other programs behave. For example if psql
uses readline, and you change the value of $HOME, then readline uses
$HOME/.inputrc whereas psql does not use $HOME/.psqlrc.

Sounds like the same issue that Rudolf Gavlas complained about in

It does sound similar, unfortunately the limited response doesn't seem to address the issue in that we are doing it in a way that nobody (or at least commonly) else does.

To me this sounds strikingly familiar to how we ignored how everyone else handled commenting out parameters vs how we thought we were right until we finally decided everyone else was already correct and changed it. (metaphorically speaking)

That said, I am not interested in a philosophical argument. It appears to me that based on the referenced PDF that we are wrong. How do we fix it? What are the implications of that? I just want to solve the problem.



Command Prompt, Inc.                  http://the.postgres.company/
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