On Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 5:48 PM, Tomas Vondra
<tomas.von...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Honestly, I have no idea what to think about this ...

I think a lot of the details here depend on OS scheduler behavior.
For example, here's one of the first scalability graphs I ever did:


It's a nice advertisement for fast-path locking, but look at the funny
shape of the red and green lines between 1 and 32 cores.  The curve is
oddly bowl-shaped.  As the post discusses, we actually dip WAY under
linear scalability in the 8-20 core range and then shoot up like a
rocket afterwards so that at 32 cores we actually achieve super-linear
scalability. You can't blame this on anything except Linux.  Someone
shared BSD graphs (I forget which flavor) with me privately and they
don't exhibit this poor behavior.  (They had different poor behaviors
instead - performance collapsed at high client counts.  That was a
long time ago so it's probably fixed now.)

This is why I think it's fundamentally wrong to look at this patch and
say "well, contention goes down, and in some cases that makes
performance go up, but because in other cases it decreases performance
or increases variability we shouldn't commit it".  If we took that
approach, we wouldn't have fast-path locking today, because the early
versions of fast-path locking could exhibit *major* regressions
precisely because of contention shifting to other locks, specifically
SInvalReadLock and msgNumLock.  (cf. commit
b4fbe392f8ff6ff1a66b488eb7197eef9e1770a4).  If we say that because the
contention on those other locks can get worse as a result of
contention on this lock being reduced, or even worse, if we try to
take responsibility for what effect reducing lock contention might
have on the operating system scheduler discipline (which will
certainly differ from system to system and version to version), we're
never going to get anywhere, because there's almost always going to be
some way that reducing contention in one place can bite you someplace

I also believe it's pretty normal for patches that remove lock
contention to increase variability.  If you run an auto race where
every car has a speed governor installed that limits it to 80 kph,
there will be much less variability in the finish times than if you
remove the governor, but that's a stupid way to run a race.  You won't
get much innovation around increasing the top speed of the cars under
those circumstances, either.  Nobody ever bothered optimizing the
contention around msgNumLock before fast-path locking happened,
because the heavyweight lock manager burdened the system so heavily
that you couldn't generate enough contention on it to matter.
Similarly, we're not going to get much traction around optimizing the
other locks to which contention would shift if we applied this patch
unless we apply it.  This is not theoretical: EnterpriseDB staff have
already done work on trying to optimize WALWriteLock, but it's hard to
get a benefit.  The more contention other contention we eliminate, the
easier it will be to see whether a proposed change to WALWriteLock
helps.  Of course, we'll also be more at the mercy of operating system
scheduler discipline, but that's not all a bad thing either.  The
Linux kernel guys have been known to run PostgreSQL to see whether
proposed changes help or hurt, but they're not going to try those
tests after applying patches that we rejected because they expose us
to existing Linux shortcomings.

I don't want to be perceived as advocating too forcefully for a patch
that was, after all, written by a colleague.  However, I sincerely
believe it's a mistake to say that a patch which reduces lock
contention must show a tangible win or at least no loss on every piece
of hardware, on every kernel, at every client count with no increase
in variability in any configuration.  Very few (if any) patches are
going to be able to meet that bar, and if we make that the bar, people
aren't going to write patches to reduce lock contention in PostgreSQL.
For that to be worth doing, you have to be able to get the patch
committed in finite time.  We've spent an entire release cycle
dithering over this patch.  Several alternative patches have been
written that are not any better (and the people who wrote those
patches don't seem especially interested in doing further work on them
anyway).  There is increasing evidence that the patch is effective at
solving the problem it claims to solve, and that any downsides are
just the result of poor lock-scaling behavior elsewhere which we could
be working on fixing if we weren't still spending time on this.  Is
that really not good enough?

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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