
while eye-balling some explain plans for parallel queries, I got a bit confused by the row count estimates. I wonder whether I'm alone.

Consider for example a simple seq scan query, which in non-parallel explain looks like this:

                              QUERY PLAN
 Seq Scan on tables t  (cost=0.00..16347.60 rows=317160 width=356)
                       (actual rows=317160 loops=1)
 Planning time: 0.173 ms
 Execution time: 47.707 ms
(3 rows)

but a parallel plan looks like this:

                             QUERY PLAN
 Gather  (cost=0.00..14199.10 rows=317160 width=356)
         (actual rows=317160 loops=1)
   Workers Planned: 3
   Workers Launched: 3
   ->  Parallel Seq Scan on tables t  (cost=... rows=102310 width=356)
                                      (actual rows=79290 loops=4)
 Planning time: 0.209 ms
 Execution time: 150.812 ms
(6 rows)

Now, for actual rows we can simply do 79290 * 4 = 317160, and we get the correct number of rows produced by the plan (i.e. matching the non-parallel query).

But for the estimate, it doesn't work like that:

    102310 * 4 = 409240

which is ~30% above the actual estimate. It's clear why this is happening - when computing plan_rows, we don't count the leader as a full worker, but use this:

    leader_contribution = 1.0 - (0.3 * path->parallel_workers);

so with 3 workers, the leader is only worth ~0.1 of a worker:

    102310 * 3.1 = 317161

It's fairly easy to spot this here, because the Gather node is right above the Parallel Seq Scan, and the values in the Gather accurate. But in many plans the Gather will not be immediately above the node (e.g. there may be parallel aggregate in between).

Of course, the fact that we use planned number of workers when computing plan_rows but actual number of workers for actually produced rows makes this even more confusing.

BTW is it really a good idea to use nloops to track the number of workers executing a given node? How will that work if once we get parallel nested loops and index scans?


Tomas Vondra                  http://www.2ndQuadrant.com
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Remote DBA, Training & Services

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