On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 9:44 PM, Dilip Kumar <dilipbal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Also, what if we abandoned the idea of pushing qual evaluation all the
>> way down into the heap and just tried to do HeapKeyTest in SeqNext
>> itself?  Would that be almost as fast, or would it give up most of the
>> benefits?
> This we can definitely test. I will test and post the data.
> Thanks for the suggestion.

Here are some results with this approach...

create table test(a int, b varchar, c varchar, d int);
insert into test values(generate_series(1,10000000), repeat('x', 30),
repeat('y', 30), generate_series(1,10000000));
analyze test;

query: explain analyze select * from test where a < $1;

selectivity          head      patch1     patch2     patch3
10.00%            840           460         582          689
20.00%            885           563         665          752
50.00%          1076           786         871          910
80.00%          1247           988       1055        1099
100.00%        1386         1123        1193        1237

patch1: Original patch (heap_scankey_pushdown_v1.patch), only
supported for fixed length datatype and use heap_getattr.

patch2: Switches memory context in HeapKeyTest + Store tuple in slot
and use slot_getattr instead of heap_getattr.

patch3: call HeapKeyTest in SeqNext after storing slot, and also
switch memory context before calling HeapKeyTest.

Summary: (performance data)
1. At 10% selectivity patch1 shows > 40% gain which reduced to 30% in
patch2 and finally it drops to 17% in patch3.
2. I think patch1 wins over patch2, because patch1 avoid call to ExecStoreTuple.
3. Patch2 wins over patch3 because patch2 can reject tuple in
heapgettup_pagemode whereas patch3 can do it in SeqNext, so patch2 can
avoid some function calls instructions.

Summary (various patches and problems)
problem1: This approach has performance problem in some cases (quals
on many columns of the table + high selectivity (>50%)).
problem2: HeapKeyTest uses ExecutorContext so we need to block any
datatype which needs memory allocation during eval functions.

Patch2: Patch2 solves both the problems of patch1, but exposes
executor items to heap and it's not a good design.

Patch3: This solves all the problems exists in patch1+patch2, but
performance is significantly less.

I haven't yet tested patch3 with TPCH, I will do that once machine is available.

Dilip Kumar
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

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