
I talked to Bruce and I've chosen a project, which will be nested
transactions and hopefully savepoints.  I have started reading previous
discussion on the topic, and looking at the code to see what's involved.

AFAICT, transaction mechanisms and states is the first thing to visit
(eg. nesting levels in StartCommandBlock() etc).  Then there is tuple
visibility (the pg_subtrans bussinness).  Something else?

Previous discussion involved Bruce, Tom and Manfred.  I already
confirmed that Bruce won't be working on this because he is so busy.  I
don't expect to drag Tom's attention from the zillion of things he is
doing now.  I mailed Manfred but got no answer.  Is there somebody
working on this?

Also, if anybody has given the topic some thought I'd like to know.

I'll be preparing a proposal so I can polish ideas before rushing into

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"El Maquinismo fue proscrito so pena de cosquilleo hasta la muerte"
(Ijon Tichy en Viajes, Stanislaw Lem)

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