Justin Pryzby <pry...@telsasoft.com> writes:
> On Tue, Jan 03, 2017 at 02:32:36PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>> 2. Even better would be a stack trace for the call to errfinish,
>> https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Generating_a_stack_trace_of_a_PostgreSQL_backend

Thanks, but we need the whole call stack, or at least the first dozen or
so levels.  "bt" in gdb would do.

> I'll send the rest of \d if you really want but:

> ts=# SELECT COUNT(1) FROM pg_attribute WHERE 
> attrelid='eric_umts_rnc_utrancell_metrics'::regclass;
> count | 1116

Well, we don't know what we're looking for, so assuming that there's
nothing of interest there is probably bad.

                        regards, tom lane

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